
Firstly - sorry to Mitja and kimbokasteniv who replied to this question a few days ago. I know your answers are correct, and I thought I understood but I don't. Or at least I don't know how
to apply what you have said. My fault.
Both my brain and my bottom have gone numb through staring at this for so long!
I wish that was a joke:icon_eek:

I know that the class form and the sql it contains should be able to return all the data from the database but I don't 'get' how to make the test
form relate to the class form and return that data. I have tried to pass the schedledEvent variable to the test form but keep getting errors!
If I make the button clicks public and pass the ScheduledEventID for example I get event handler errors.
I am probably doing something basic wrong.

Whilst I recognise I am not very good at this - I am determined not to give up ... so would be grateful for any more help.

Thank you ... John.

My question again,

I have an assignment to build the booking and payment part of a Thearte Booking System. I have four classes linked to an MDF database.

The first thing that I have to do is test the classes on a test form.
I have put the SheduledEvents class at the bottom of the post.

This is the class cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
//added these
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace TheatreTicketBooking
    class ScheduledEvent
        private int m_ScEventID;
        private string m_EventName;
        private DateTime m_DateOfEvent;
        private string m_TimeOfEvent;
        private decimal m_AdultPrice;
        private decimal m_ConcessionPrice;
        private decimal m_FriendPrice;
        private string m_Confirmed;
        private string m_Artist;
        private string m_Location;

        // Declare an ScheduledEventID property of type int:
        public int ScheduledEventID
                return m_ScEventID;

                m_ScEventID = value;

        // Declare an EventName property of type string:
        public string EventName
                return m_EventName;
                m_EventName = value;

        // Declare a DateOfEvent property of type DateTime:
        public DateTime DateOfEvent
                return m_DateOfEvent;
                m_DateOfEvent = value;

        // Declare a TimeOfEvent property of type string:
        public string TimeOfEvent
                return m_TimeOfEvent;
                m_TimeOfEvent = value;

        // Declare an AdultPrice property of type decimal:
        public decimal AdultPrice
                return m_AdultPrice;
                m_AdultPrice = value;
        // Declare a ConcessionPrice property of type decimal:
        public decimal ConcessionPrice
                return m_ConcessionPrice;
                m_ConcessionPrice = value;

        // Declare a FriendPrice property of type decimal:
        public decimal FriendPrice
                return m_FriendPrice;
                m_FriendPrice = value;

        // Declare a Confirmed property of type string:
        public string Confirmed
                return m_Confirmed;
                m_Confirmed = value;

        // Declare an Artist property of type string:
        public string Artist
                return m_Artist;
                m_Artist = value;

        // Declare a Location property of type string:
        public string Location
                return m_Location;
                m_Location = value;

        //For a given ScheduledEventID, retrieve a ScheduledEvent object
        public void GetEventByID(int ScheduledEventID)//being passed this ID  (intCutomer No oncustomers
            string TBConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TicketBookingConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            SqlConnection cnTB = new SqlConnection(TBConnectionString);
            SqlCommand cmEvent = new SqlCommand();
            cmEvent.Connection = cnTB;
            cmEvent.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmEvent.CommandText = "Select * from ScheduledEvents where ScheduledEventID = " + ScheduledEventID;//star - read it all
            SqlDataReader drEvent = cmEvent.ExecuteReader();


            drEvent.Read();// go and read the data
            //the variables
            m_ScEventID = (int)drEvent[0];
            m_EventName = drEvent[1].ToString();//
            m_DateOfEvent = (DateTime)drEvent[2];
            m_TimeOfEvent = drEvent[3].ToString();
            m_AdultPrice = (decimal)drEvent[4];
            m_ConcessionPrice = (decimal)drEvent[5];
            m_FriendPrice = (decimal)drEvent[6];
            m_Confirmed = drEvent[7].ToString();
            m_Artist = drEvent[8].ToString();
            m_Location = drEvent[9].ToString();

        //Return a SortedList of ScheduledEvent objects for a given date
        public SortedList ListEventsByDateOfEvent(DateTime EventDate)
            string TBConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TicketBookingConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            string EventDateString = EventDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            SqlConnection cnTB = new SqlConnection(TBConnectionString);
            SqlCommand cmEventList = new SqlCommand();
            cmEventList.Connection = cnTB;
            cmEventList.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmEventList.CommandText = "Select ScheduledEventID, EventName, ArtistName, Location, Confirmed from ScheduledEvents where DateOfEvent = '" + EventDateString + "'";
            SqlDataReader drEventList = cmEventList.ExecuteReader();

            SortedList EventList = new SortedList();//creating a new sorted list

            while (drEventList.Read())// while it reads the data rows one at a time
                if (drEventList[4].ToString() == "Y")
                    EventList.Add(drEventList[0], drEventList[1].ToString() + " - " + drEventList[2].ToString() + " - " + drEventList[3].ToString());// list the fields
            return EventList;


This is my attempts (mainly with help) to test it

I have tried to return a scheduled events by ID, and events by date to the test form in a list boxes. This is the code on the back of my test form.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace TheatreTicketBooking
    public partial class ScheduledEventsTestForm : Form
        ScheduledEvent currentEvent;
        int ScheduledEventID = 0;

        public ScheduledEventsTestForm()//this is the constructer  method - I think
            currentEvent = new ScheduledEvent();

        private void btnGetAScheduledEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// to return a Scheduled Event by ID

                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter an EventID Number");

           // return ds.tickets.ScheduledEventID;

        private void  btnListEvents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


                SortedList allEvents = currentEvent.ListEventsByDateOfEvent(DateTime.Now);
                //return ds.Tickets.ScheduedEvent:SortedList;
                //return ScheduledEventID;



Well what you have looks fine, I just don't see any code which would take the information you got from the database and make it visible to the user... at least not in your btnGetAScheduledEvent_Click method.

Once you call the GetEventByID method of currentEvent, currentEvent should have data in its properties (assuming your database was there, and the event id matched an event).
So, you can get the data from currentEvent, by calling each property. For instance:

myOutputTextBox.Text = currentEvent.EventName

I think that was part of your problem? You were asking how to present the data back to the user?

As for getting data into the listBox, that's going to be different. I never done it in c#, but if you look at the MSDN page for ListBox, you should see all the methods and what type of data needs to be given to each method. Or someone here can give you a quick example...

commented: Thanks again - a great help +2

Well what you have looks fine, I just don't see any code which would take the information you got from the database and make it visible to the user... at least not in your btnGetAScheduledEvent_Click method.

Once you call the GetEventByID method of currentEvent, currentEvent should have data in its properties (assuming your database was there, and the event id matched an event).
So, you can get the data from currentEvent, by calling each property. For instance:

myOutputTextBox.Text = currentEvent.EventName

I think that was part of your problem? You were asking how to present the data back to the user?

As for getting data into the listBox, that's going to be different. I never done it in c#, but if you look at the MSDN page for ListBox, you should see all the methods and what type of data needs to be given to each method. Or someone here can give you a quick example...

Thanks again kimbokasteniv ... with your help, I at least know that the database is there for sure and returns the Events by ID in a textbox. Part of my problem was due to messing around with the form and code so much, I had got everything a bit mixed up:confused:. I started again with the form, added the buttons and code again, and it now makes sense.

I didn't think it would be difficult to get the data to show in the list box, but it is not as straight forward as I expected - but I will persist.

Really - a big thanks ... John:)

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