I made a program using Sockets, pretty interesting, but I have found some "problems" that bother me, my game is threaded and in its run method it has a lot of if statements for the different behaviors when it receives a certain String from the server. Is there any other way to make the clients do something beside sending a String or integer? I would loke to know.
Another question is that I am experiencing some problem while using sockets to know when the client has closed the connection, when he/she closes the program HIS/HER connection is closed, but the connection from the server to him/her is not, so I said, pretty simple, lets send a String telling the server that the client is going to close the window, the receiving end in the server is inside a Timer, it works fine, but for some reason, the other .readUTF() do not work when this one is running, even after stopping this Timer.
Thank you for reading.