I have the problem that the textfile did not appear after I saved it at my document, dekstop and other existing folder or new folder that created by user.Currently, it is only can be saved at C and D.
Below is the summary:
first:i want to call the value at database mssql server 2005
second:i want to save or export it to the textfile
third:the text file can be save at any location such as c,d,my document, new folder and any folder.
Here my code:
Private Sub savingFile()
sd.CreatePrompt = False
sd.FileName = lblName.Text
sd.InitialDirectory = "C:\"
sd.Title = "Save text Files"
sd.Filter = "Text File|*.txt"
If sd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
MsgBox("The data have been saved as text file.")
MsgBox("You are not save as text file.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub exportProcedure(ByVal fileName)
Dim bcpCommand As String
bcpCommand = "Select Id,productcode, desc, Exclusion,
BrandName, CostPrice, "& _
"from " & DbName & ".dbo.tblWare " & _
"Where e.Id = '" & lblId.Text & "'"
Shell("bcp " + """" + bcpCommand + """" + " queryout " & _
"" & fileName & " -S " & sServer & " -U sa -P Sun -c -t ^ -r \n ",
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub