So with my program I'm trying to count the number of operations it takes to perform a insertion sort/quick sort. And because functions are calling other functions from inherited classes, it gets a bit confusing as to where I can place the operation to increment the number of operations. Right now my code is trying to compile but keeps getting the error saying that void InsertionSort::insertionsort(long*const, int) is being referenced someplace else--and it is because another function returns numops without going through the insertionsort function.

Here's what I mean..

Header file:


#include "SortData.h"

class InsertionSort : public SortData
	InsertionSort(int max=100);
	_int64 sort();

	_int64 numops;
	void insertionsort(long theArray[], int n);


Implementation file:

_int64 InsertionSort::sort()
	numops = 0;
	insertionsort(theData, maxSize);

void insertionsort(long theArray[], int n)
	int i, j, key;
	_int64 numops = 0;
    for(j = 1; j < n; j++)    
		key = theArray[j];
        for(i = j - 1; (i >= 0) && (theArray[i] < key); i--)   
			theArray[i+1] = theArray[i];
			numops =+ 1;
		theArray[i+1] = key;    

And the main.cpp

void test(SortData& ad, bool print=false)
		cout << "Unsorted Dataset size(" << ad.size() << "):" << endl;

	_int64 num = ad.sort();
		cout << "Sorted Dataset size(" << ad.size() << "):" << endl;

	cout << "Dataset Size= " << setw(8) << ad.size();
	cout << " Num Ops = "<< num << endl;

Here's the error code:

Error	1	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __thiscall InsertionSort::insertionsort(long * const,int)" (?insertionsort@InsertionSort@@AAEXQAJH@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual __int64 __thiscall InsertionSort::sort(void)" (?sort@InsertionSort@@UAE_JXZ)	C:\Users\Joseph\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency\CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency\InsertionSort.obj	CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency
Error	2	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __thiscall QuickSort::quicksort(long * const,int)" (?quicksort@QuickSort@@AAEXQAJH@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual __int64 __thiscall QuickSort::sort(void)" (?sort@QuickSort@@UAE_JXZ)	C:\Users\Joseph\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency\CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency\QuickSort.obj	CSC2431 Sorting Efficiency

Can someone help me please? This is the last thing that's keeping the code from compiling fully. Argh...

Thanks all!!


In your implementation file you have forgotten

void InsertionSort::insertionsort(long theArray[], int n)
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