
Can somebody help me how to find combination between code´s.

i have 30+ codes like this 7zv7pj. xjdcsa, efzlfl, xkaadt etd but i dont know any program or something what can i help me get more combination or understand how codes work.

Ty for help

Do you mean random words of given length?

its "given length" this code 7zv7pj, xjdcsa, efzlfl, xkaadt,
must have any algorithm, i hope i will find any way where may i write every code what i have and find combination for generate more codes.

Please find someone to help you translate your question into English. The translation program you are using creates unintelligible giberish.

Do you want to find the difference between 2 files ?

I can't seem to understand, but I think file names? .dbf files? Files can be combined right?

its codes for competition, I would like to find some connection between codes

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