Ok, I've been trying to run this program on Borland C++ (Version 5.0A). The program is a Point of Sale program. I keep getting the errors "expression syntax at (121,26)" and "If statement missing ) at (129,6). Try as I might, I can't seem to fix the errors. Help?

//Point of Sale Program


#define ESCAPE = 27
#define UP = 38
#define DOWN = 40

void Order();
void Total();
void Quit();

void DisplayList();

int command;

struct strucTemplate {
       char name[20]; double price; int numberPurchased;

strucTemplate Items[5];

int main()

strcpy(Items[0].name, "Cats   ");
Items[0].price = 1.99;
Items[0].numberPurchased = 0;

strcpy(Items[1].name, "Pinatas   ");
Items[1].numberPurchased = 0;
Items[1].price   = 4.99;

strcpy(Items[2].name, "Switchblades   ");
Items [2].price  = 3.99;
Items[2].numberPurchased = 0;

strcpy(Items[3].name, "Cake   ");
Items [3].price  = 9.99;
Items[3].numberPurchased = 0;

strcpy(Items[4].name, "PlasmaCutters   ");
Items[4].numberPurchased = 0;
Items [4].price  = 19.99;


   int command;
    menu Main(4,"=[","]=");
      Main.heading("Please choose an option!");
      Main.option(1,"Place Order");
      Main.option(2,"Get Total");
      command = Main.create();
          case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
      while (command !=3);
      system("color 25");
      return 0;


void Order() {
       } while(command != 27);


void DisplayList()

      cout << "Press ESCAPE to exit." << endl;
      cout << "  |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|" << endl;
      for(int count = 0; count <5; count++){
          cout << "  | " << setw (11) << Items[count].name << "| " << setw(13) << setprecision(2) << Items[count].price << " | ";
          cout << setw(9) << Items[count].numberPurchased << " |" << endl;
           cout << "  |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|" << endl;


      cout << "=[";
      command = getch();
      gotoxy(wherex() - 2, wherey());
      cout << "  ";
      gotoxy(wherex() - 2, wherey());
      while(command != 17);

       	if((command == UP) && (wherey() > 2))
         gotoxy(wherex(), (wherey() - 2));
      if((command == DOWN) && (wherey() < 10)) {
         gotoxy((wherex(), (wherey() + 2));


   while(command != ENTER);

   int itemSelected;
   if (command != 27)
       case 2:
       itemSelected = 0;
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cout << "         ";
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cin >> Items[itemSelected].numberPurchased;
       case 4:
       itemSelected = 1;
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cout << "         ";
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cin >> Items[itemSelected].numberPurchased;
       case 6:
       itemSelected = 2;
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cout << "         ";
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cin >> Items[itemSelected].numberPurchased;
       case 8:
       itemSelected = 3;
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cout << "         ";
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cin >> Items[itemSelected].numberPurchased;
       case 10:
       itemSelected = 4;
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cout << "         ";
       gotoxy(15, wherey());
       cin >> Items[itemSelected].numberPurchased;
     while(command != 27);
     system("color 16");

void Total()
   system("color 09");

   cout << "  |===========|===========|===========|===========|" << endl;
   for(int count = 0; count <5; count++){
   cout << "  | " << setw (11) << Items[count].name << "| " << setw(13) << setprecision(2) << Items[count].price << " | ";
   cout << setw(9) << Items[count].numberPurchased << " |" << endl;
   cout << "  |===========|===========|===========|===========|" << endl;


 void Quit();


Are you sure all those strings fit into 19 characters? (at the beginning where you use strcpy)

You are using C++ so I might suggest a more flexible way of storing a string, specifically the C++ string class.

#include <string>

int main()
   std::string input = "Whatever length you want, and some member functions to operate on it.";


Oh wait you're using Borland C++. Well you may need a newer compiler, your compiler produces 16 bit executables if I'm not mistaken. It probably doesn't have a lot of the newer C++ language features and is extremely outdated by modern standards.

GCC and Visual Studio 2010 Express edition are both free.


Bad, bad.

Ok, I've been trying to run this program on Borland C++ (Version 5.0A). The program is a Point of Sale program. I keep getting the errors "expression syntax at (121,26)" and "If statement missing ) at (129,6). Try as I might, I can't seem to fix the errors.

I don't see anything wrong with line 121: if((command == UP) && (wherey() > 2)) nor line 129: } But on 119: while(command != 17); if command == 17 you have yourself an tight endless loop. You might want to get rid of the ;

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