Hi Perl,

I am looking for code where i can calculate a first saturday for all even months and first saturday for all odd Months.
Moreover i need a code to find a second saturady for all months of the year.

Can you please help me out that how i can find required information..?

One way of finding the first Saturday of each month for a given year:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Date::Simple;

my $year = 2011;
my @month_names = qw(January February March
                    April May June July August
                    September October November December);

    my $dt = first_saturday($_);
    my $mth = $month_names[$_ - 1];
    say "The first Saturday in $mth of $year is $dt";

sub first_saturday{
    my $mnbr = shift;
    my $date = Date::Simple->new("$year-$mnbr-01");
    my ($first_day, $first_sat);
    $first_day = $date->day_of_week();
    if ($first_day == 6){
        $first_sat = 0;
        $first_sat = 6 - $first_day;
    return $date + $first_sat;

The following contains a subroutine that returns an array of all the Saturday dates in a given month and year.

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Date::Simple;

my @month_names = qw(January February March
                    April May June July August
                    September October November December);

    my ($year, $dt_arref) = get_saturdays_in_month(2011, $_);
    my $mth = $month_names[$_ - 1];
    say "The first Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[0]";
    say "The second Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[1]\n";

sub get_saturdays_in_month{
    my $yr =shift;
    my $mnbr = shift;
    my $date = Date::Simple->new("$yr-$mnbr-01");
    my $first_day;
    my @saturdays;
    $first_day = $date->day_of_week();
    while ($date->month == $mnbr){
        push @saturdays, $date if $date->day_of_week == 6;
        $date = $date->next;
    return $yr, \@saturdays;

You may prefer the following way of doing it if you don't have Date::Simple .

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008;

use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;

    my ($year, $dt_arref, $month_name) = get_saturdays_in_month(2011, $_);
    print "The first Saturday in $month_name of $year is $$dt_arref[0]\n";
    print "The second Saturday in $month_name of $year is $$dt_arref[1]\n\n";

sub get_saturdays_in_month{
    my $yr =shift;
    my $mnbr = shift;
    my $date = Time::Piece->strptime("$yr-$mnbr-01",'%Y-%m-%d');
    my $mthname = $date->strftime('%B');
    my @saturdays;
    while ($date->strftime('%m') == $mnbr){
        push @saturdays, $date->strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if $date->strftime('%A') eq 'Saturday';
        $date += ONE_DAY;
    return $yr, \@saturdays, $mthname;

Hi d5e5,

Thanks for your response but i am getting an error with all three above solutions.

With 1 i am getting an error like

Perl v5.10.0 required--this is only v5.8.8, stopped at check_sat.pl line 4.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at check_sat.pl line 4.

With 2 i am also getting same above error


with 3 i am getting below error.

Can't locate Time/Piece.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib64 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at check_sat.pl line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at check_sat.pl line 5.

Just for your reference i cannot upgrade present perl version therefore i need a solution which is compatible with current version.

currently i have perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi install on linux machine.

Please help me out to fix this issue.


You can avoid the "Perl v5.10.0 required--this is only v5.8.8" error by removing the use 5.010; statement (or changing it to use 5.008; ) and then changing the say statements

say "The first Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[0]";
say "The second Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[1]\n";

to print statements like the following:

print "The first Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[0]\n";
print "The second Saturday in $mth of $year is $$dt_arref[1]\n\n";

You can probably eliminate the "Can't locate Time/Piece.pm..." error by installing the Time::Piece module from CPAN. I understand you are not allowed to upgrade to a newer version of Perl but you should still be able to install modules from CPAN.

Also you can try running the following which uses only standard modules that you probably already have.

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008;

use constant (ONE_DAY => 86400);#Number of seconds in a day
use POSIX;

foreach(0 .. 11){
    my ($year, $dt_arref, $month_name) = get_saturdays_in_month(2011, $_);
    my $dtstr = strftime('%F', localtime($$dt_arref[0]));
    print "The first Saturday in $month_name of $year is $dtstr\n";
    $dtstr = strftime('%F', localtime($$dt_arref[1]));
    print "The second Saturday in $month_name of $year is $dtstr\n\n";

sub get_saturdays_in_month{
    my $yr =shift;
    my $mn = shift;
    my $da = 1;
    my $yrnbr = $yr - 1900;

    my $dt = mktime(0, 0, 0, $da, $mn, $yrnbr);
    my $datestr = ctime($dt);
    my $mthname = substr($datestr,4,3);
    my @saturdays;
    while (@saturdays < 4){
        my $dayname = substr($datestr,0,3);
        push @saturdays, $dt if $dayname eq 'Sat';
        $dt += ONE_DAY;
        $datestr = ctime($dt);
    return $yr, \@saturdays, $mthname;
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