Hey guys,
I am making a calculator program and don't want the user to type directly into the Entry,
so I made the Entry 'readonly'. But that makes it to dark for my liking, so I am trying
to set the readonlybackground='white', but it gives me an error saying that it doesn't
recognize 'readonlybackground'. I am using Python, I don't know if that is the reason.

Any ideas?

- WolfShield

Sorry, I forgot to add the code:

dfSV = StringVar()
dsplyF = ttk.Entry(root, text="0.0", textvariable=dfSV, state='readonly', readonlybackground='white')

It also is not letting me do things like 'background', 'foreground', 'bg', or 'fg'.

- WolfShield

Which documents you are using?

According this documentation the key is 'disabledbackground':

Background to use when the widget is disabled. If omitted or blank, the standard background is used instead. (disabledBackground/DisabledBackground)

That's the documentation I used. 'diabledbackground' is giving an error as well.
I'll post a little more of my code. I am using Tk 8.5

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from BK_functions import *

# Create Window
root = Tk()

# Calculator TextField
dfSV = StringVar()
dsplyF = ttk.Entry(root, text="0.0", textvariable=dfSV, state='readonly', disabledbackground='white')

From some docs I am looking at it appears that I may be using ttk::Entry, because that doesn't have a 'background' command, nor any
of the others. What is the difference anyway?

- WolfShield

Why then not use tkinter's Entry.

Why don't you use the Entry widget from tkinter? Module ttk uses Style(), more powerful, but much more complex.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
#from BK_functions import *

# Create Window
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)

# Calculator TextField
dfSV = StringVar()
dsplyF = Entry(root, textvariable=dfSV)
dsplyF['state'] = 'readonly'
dsplyF['readonlybackground'] = 'yellow'


Thank you guys!

- WolfShield

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