i am new in C# and i am trying to make a simple chess game
but i need to clearify some things i guess...
i understand how to add components to the Form1 with code - in my example i manage to add 8X8 squares class that inherit from picturebox and when the form is initialize its draw the squares with the pieces inside them
i made some classes that can help me in my goal - position, move, pieces etc.
and i guess it will be best to manage the game from the Program.cs (right?)
i understand i need to create instances of the classes inside program and i know how to do it.
but... i dont know how to connect the things happen in the game to the board (the 8X8 squares) that is inside the Form1...
like if i have a instance of the position class inside the program (contain 8X8 char for the pieces & which side turn etc.) and i have a methode inside the Board class that take position and place the pieces.
i know i dont need to create instance of the Board inside the program because i already has one inside Form1.
so how i can change the Board from program?
i am sorry if the question is not clear... hope u will try to understand my problem