the following code will print out all the names of patients I have in a linked list.

I have given the user an option to choose which patient they would like to move in the linked list.

i thought if I called S.insert(passed the new postition, and P (where P is the object of the patient class) it would work.

then all I had to do was remove the previous location of that position.

when I run the code it only removes the patient but dose not add it to the location I want.

is the code right by me below. I have just added snippets as the whole project would be too confusing.



for(int a=1;a<(S.size()+1);a++)
  cout<<a<<". "; S.display(a);
  cout<<"\nWhich Patient would you like to treat"<<endl;
  cout<<"\nYou have chosen to treat:\n"<<endl;
  cout<<"\nWhat position would you like to place this patient in the Priority Q?"<<endl;
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;   
typedef patient SeqItemType;  
class ListNode
	    SeqItemType item;
	   ListNode *next;


    class Sequence

   	   bool isEmpty();
   	   int size();
   	   void insert(int index, SeqItemType newItem);
   	   void remove(int index);
   	   SeqItemType retrieve(int index);
   	   void display(int index);
   	   void displayall(int index);
	  ListNode *find(int index);
      int length;       	
      ListNode *head;
	length = 0;
	head = NULL;

   bool Sequence::isEmpty() 
	return length==0;	

   int Sequence::size()
   	return length;

   void Sequence::display(int index)
   ListNode *cur = find(index);
           cout<<"Name :"<< cur->item.get_Name() << endl;
           //cout<<"Date of Birth :"<<cur->item.get_dob() << endl;
           //cout<<"Illness :"<<cur->item.get_illness() << endl;
           //cout<<"Priority :"<<cur->item.get_priority() << endl;
           //cout<<"Ward :"<<cur->item.get_ward_no() << endl;

   SeqItemType Sequence::retrieve(int index)
   	if ((index < 1) || (index > size())){
   		// can't delete something that isn't there
   	ListNode *cur = find(index);
   	return cur->item;	

   void Sequence::insert(int index, SeqItemType newItem)
	if ((index < 1) || (index > (size()+1))){
   		// if index is out of bounds don't do anything
   		// otherwise create new node and place newItem in it
      	ListNode *newPtr = new ListNode();
      	// increment the size attribute
        // store the data item in the new node
      	newPtr->item = newItem;

		//  if the index is 1, insert new node at beginning of list
        if (index == 1)
       		newPtr->next = head;
        	head = newPtr;
        	ListNode *prev = find(index-1);
        	newPtr->next = prev->next;
			prev->next = newPtr;

void Sequence::remove(int index) 
	ListNode *cur;

   	if ((index < 1) || (index > size())){
		// remove the first node in the list
		if (index == 1)
      		cur = head;
     		head = head->next;   	
        	ListNode *prev = find(index-1);	
			cur = prev->next;
			prev->next = cur->next;
		// clean things up!
		cur->next = NULL;
		delete cur;

ListNode *Sequence::find(int index){

	if ((index <1) || (index >size())){
		return 0;
		ListNode *cur = head;
		for(int skip =1; skip<index; ++skip)
		return cur;

void Sequence::displayall(int index)
   	ListNode *cur = find(index);		
           cout<<index<<". Name:          "<<cur->item.get_Name() << endl;
           cout<<"   Date of Birth: "<<cur->item.get_dob() << endl;
           cout<<"   Illness:       "<<cur->item.get_illness() << endl;
           cout<<"   Priority:      "<<cur->item.get_priority() << endl;
           cout<<"   Ward:          "<<cur->item.get_ward_no() << endl;
   /*void Sequence::displayall()
   	for (ListNode *cur = head; cur!= NULL; cur = cur->next)
           cout<<"Name :"<< cur->item.get_Name() << endl;
           //cout<<"Date of Birth :"<<cur->item.get_dob() << endl;
           //cout<<"Illness :"<<cur->item.get_illness() << endl;
           //cout<<"Priority :"<<cur->item.get_priority() << endl;
           //cout<<"Ward :"<<cur->item.get_ward_no() << endl;

solution thanks to perniciosus

void Sequence::move(int from, int to)
  SeqItemType item = find( from )->item ;
  remove(from) ;
  insert( to, item ) ;
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