Hi there, I'm working on a map for a class assignment and running into trouble. I've tried looking around the web but couldn't find anything that helped. I know how insertion works on a basic level when returning a node pointer but think i'm missing some key ideas when using a double pointer. Below i have the node struct declaration, the create node function, and my attempt at insert. Any help would be very very appreciated. Thanks so much for taking the time to look over this.

Given this:


struct Node {
  int    key;
  int    value;
  struct Node *left;
  struct Node *right;
  struct Node *parent;

and the create node function:

struct Node* create(int key, int value, struct Node* parent,int *perror) 
	struct Node* new = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	if (!new) { *perror=E_NO_MEMORY; return 0; }
	new->key = key;
	new->value = value;
	return new;

And my attempt at inserting using recursion:

int insert_recursive(Node_handle* ppRoot, int key, int value) 
    Node_handle curr = *ppRoot;
    if (curr->parent == NULL)
        int *perror;
        curr->parent = create(key, value, curr, perror);
        return *perror;
        if (curr->key > key)
            return insert_recursive(&(curr->left), key, value);
            return insert_recursive(&(curr->right), key, value);

I've also tried passing curr->left/*right*/->parent into insert...God Help ME

Im sorry Node_handle is a typedef for node*...if there was confusion

Never mind I Figured it out!

For the record, hiding a pointer behind a typedef is a fantastic way to confuse both yourself and others.

For the record, hiding a pointer behind a typedef is a fantastic way to confuse both yourself and others.

Yeah This is an assignment for school that was half implemented. So i have to use what i was given. I agree though!

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