Keep getting reached end of file while parsing error I have been told this error is from extra or missing closing brace in code..CANNOT find where it is at. any help??

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class BasicCalculator {
	private static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 150;
	private static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 120;

	// Keeps track of the current operation (subtract, add, etc)
	private static final int NO_OPERATION = 0;
	private static final int ADDITION = 1;
	public static int operation = NO_OPERATION;

	public static JTextField textFieldDisplay;
	public static double Value1 = 0; // holds the value before the operation

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Set up the user interface
		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();

		// create two buttons, plus and equal and a text box for answers
		textFieldDisplay = new JTextField(10);
		JButton buttonPlus = new JButton(" + ");
		JButton buttonEqual = new JButton(" = ");

		frame.setTitle("Basic Calculator");

		// called when the equal sign '=' is pressed
		class EqualSignListener implements ActionListener {

			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
				double Value2 = Double.parseDouble(textFieldDisplay.getText());
				if (operation == ADDITION) {
					// plus sign pressed before the equal sign
					Value2 += Value1;
				// Convert from a answer to a string
				Double answer = new Double(Value2);
				textFieldDisplay.setText( answer.toString() );
				// Reset the operation to show no current operation
				operation = NO_OPERATION;

		// called when a plus sign '+' is pressed
		class PlusSignListener implements ActionListener {
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
				Value1 = Double.parseDouble(textFieldDisplay.getText());
				operation = ADDITION;

		// Add the methods that will be called when these buttons are pressed
		ActionListener plusSignListener = new PlusSignListener();

		ActionListener equalSignListener = new EqualSignListener();

// called when a subtraction sign '-' is pressed
		class SubtractionSignListener implements ActionListener{
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
				Value1 = Double.parseDouble(textFieldDisplay.getText());
				operation = Subtraction;

		// Add the methods that will be called when these buttons are pressed
		ActionListener subtractionSignListener = new SubtractionSignListener();

		ActionListener equalSignListener = new EqualSignListener();

// called when a division sign '/' is pressed
		class DivisionSignListener implements ActionListener {
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
				Value1 = Double.parseDouble(textFieldDisplay.getText());
				operation = DIVISION;
		// Add the methods that will be called when these buttons are pressed
		ActionListener divisionSignListener = new DivisionSignListener();

		ActionListener equalSignListener = new EqualSignListener();

// called when a plus sign '*' is pressed
		class MulitplicationSignListener implements ActionListener {
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
				Value1 = Double.parseDouble(textFieldDisplay.getText());
				operation = Multiplication;

		// Add the methods that will be called when these buttons are pressed
		ActionListener multiplicationSignListener = new MultiplicationSignListener();

		ActionListener equalSignListener = new EqualSignListener();


You have all kinds of { and } that are wrong, and some that are missing. The best way to see them is to go through your code indenting it properly so you can match up { with }.
Posting your code with valid code tags will also help (select all the code and click the code tag icon right-most above the message input area).

I see no closing brace in main(). Also, post your code inside code blocks and indent appropriately, please. It makes it a lot easier to read, and fix.

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