I need to create a program which calculates the bonus points for the books read.
This program need to obtain reader name and bonus point earned.
Number of books read Points is as bellow;
First three books 10 points each
Next three books 15 points each
All books over six 20 points each
I have created an interface like attached in doc file "Reading Program.doc".
I have created the code to calculate the bonus point, refer interface "Form2", when the calculate button is clicked, below is the source code creted:
Public Function calcPoints(Booksread As Integer) As Integer
Dim Points As Integer
Dim Booksremaining As Integer
Points = 0
Booksremaining = Booksread
If Booksremaining > 0 Then
Points = Min(Booksremaining, 3) * 10
Booksremaining = Booksremaining - 3
End If
If Booksremaining > 0 Then
Points = Points + Min(Booksremaining, 3) * 15
Booksremaining = Booksremaining - 3
End If
If Booksremaining > 0 Then
Points = Points + Booksremaining * 20
Booksremaining = 0
End If
calcPoints = Points
End Function
Private Sub calculate_Click()
Dim Points As Integer
Text2.Text = Points
End Sub
This source code does not seems to be working as it returning zero bonus points when i click the calculate button.
Can anyone help me on this as soon!
Thank you.