
Hi, can you help me please I have problem in my program,I used MsAccess as my database...

how can i make my textbox just like in google that when you type a certain word it will have drop down list...

ex...the user will type this word "how to make" this will show all words containing "how to make..."..just like in google when you make a search...is this possible in vb6.0?.Please help me.Thank you in advance and i am hoping for your positive response...

Use a combo box. That has a dropdown already whereas a textbox does not.

Don't you ever get tired of typing "Thank you in advance and i am hoping for your positive response... "? It's really getting old -- over a year and a half old... And unnecessary. :icon_rolleyes:

Hi Jemz..

No Need of combbox. for a text box there is a property called autocompleteSoruce
you get all the text which u want to show in textbox when user enters a text from ur databse and bind it.
and set the proprty autocompletemode of text box, APPEND,SUGGEST.. whatever u want.

Hope this helps u

for that you need to store all your suggestions in database and fetch from there to display in the control.

Hi Jemz..

No Need of combbox. for a text box there is a property called autocompleteSoruce
you get all the text which u want to show in textbox when user enters a text from ur databse and bind it.
and set the proprty autocompletemode of text box, APPEND,SUGGEST.. whatever u want.

Hope this helps u

Hi sir,Thank you for the reply...Okay i will try this..i will write again if i have doubt.Thank you again sir.

for that you need to store all your suggestions in database and fetch from there to display in the control.

hello sir,...but how am i going to display it into the textbox,should i used the combo box or Not?should i also use KeyPress sir?..I am confuse sir...please help me.

i am not sure if that property is available in the version you are using.

try using both textbox and a combo.

type in textbox and populate the combo.

Use change event of the textbox.

i am not sure if that property is available in the version you are using.

try using both textbox and a combo.

type in textbox and populate the combo.

Use change event of the textbox.

Hi sir, Thank your for the reply,i will write again if i have doubt...more power to you sir,

ok na dong?ehehehe

commented: this is not lounge. -3

for a text box there is a property called autocompleteSoruce

Not in my version of VB6

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