i have a error in c graphics "segment exceeds _TEXT 64K" i reduce some lines but i have no solution

please help me as soon as possible

i want to complete my program as soon as possible

please help me some one

Well the easy answer is to upgrade to a 32-bit compiler for your modern OS, then you get 2GB segments, not 64K segments.

But I'm guessing you're stuck with stone age tools from a stone age educational system.

The answer (if you can call it that) is to NOT have all your code in one singularly massive .c file. There's more to it, but it might be enough of a clue. Someone else will have to expand on this, or I might get around to it later on.

i am sachin chandora from abohar
thankes salem
can you tell me download site about this compiler

what compiler? Code::Blocks and vc++ 2010 Express are both free.

but tell me download site Ancient Dragon

i have a other problem that system() function can not working

i make a program to execute dir command of dos as:


i also make a program to do hibernet the computer but these code are not working

can you tell me that how can i use system() function in c compiler

#include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <process.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    char x;
    printf("Enter any character");
    if (x==65)
    system("C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState");

@Salem: How does the link here 'from a stone age educational system.' help the OP and why did you think it was needed to be shared on this forum ? You didn't need to share it because every student in india knows this, there are a lot of factors behind these things but people like the OP are still trying to learn instead of crying about what kind of teachers/facilities they have or don't have.
Daniweb didn't use to be a place where we tried to show our biases. I can find a hundred articles about problems in educational systems in almost every country in this world so every time someone asks a question should I first tell them that their education system sucks ?

commented: Exactly and most Education systems don't lack in compilers they simply lack in knowledge of the OSF and GNU projects ;P +3

i also make a program to do hibernet the computer but these code are not working

can you tell me that how can i use system() function in c compiler

That can not be done from Turbo C. You have to use a modern 32 or 64 bit compiler such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express to access MS-Windows programs. The best you can do from Turbo C is to run old MS-DOS commands.

> You didn't need to share it because every student in india knows this
Did you read the link at all?

Because apparently most of them don't know the system sucks until the point they actually try to FIND A JOB. It's only then that they find out they've wasted 3 or 4 years of time and money for some toilet paper.

Using TurbidCrap isn't a preserve of just India either, there are schools all over the world still using it.

Apparently "help" for you means spoon-feed the immediate answer so they can go away and get a useless grade and "be happy" (for a while at least).

If enough students read the link, create enough "pressure" for change within the system by demanding an education fit for purpose, then change might actually happen. At any rate, the smart ones will take it upon themselves to seek alternatives to make sure they're well positioned in the job market.

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