So its fun when you have questions for hw but neither the teacher nor the textbook show you how to do the HW question. Anyway, I have my base class, a derived class, and class with composition of the derived class. I am not sure how to create the constructor for that. This is what I got but its not right and is regard to the Billing constructor.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Person
	string name;

	Person():name(""){cout << "Default Person Constructor" << endl;}
	Person(string theName):name(theName){cout << "Parameterized Person Constructor" << endl;}
	Person(const Person& theObject);
	~Person(){cout << "Person Destructor" << endl;}
	string getName() const{return name;}
	Person& operator=(const Person& rtSide)
		string Name;
		Name =;
		return *this;
	friend istream& operator >>(istream& inStream, Person& personObject)
		inStream >>;
		return inStream;
	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Person& personObject)
		outStream << "Person's name: " << << endl;
		return outStream;

class Doctor
	string specialty;
	double fee;

	Doctor():specialty(""), fee(0){cout << "Default Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(string Specialty):specialty(Specialty), fee(0){ cout << "Specialty Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(double Fee):specialty(0), fee(Fee){cout << "Fee Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(string Specialty, double Fee):specialty(Specialty), fee(Fee){cout << "Parameterized Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	~Doctor(){cout << "Doctor Destructor" << endl;}
	string getSpecialty() const{return specialty;}
	double getFee() const{return fee;}
	const Doctor& operator=(const Doctor& rtSide)
		string Specialty;
		double Fee;
		Specialty = rtSide.specialty;
		Fee = rtSide.fee;
		return *this;
	Doctor(const Doctor& theObject);
	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Doctor& docObject)
		outStream << "Doctor's Speciality: " << docObject.specialty << endl;
		return outStream;

class Patient: public Person
	Doctor phys;

	Patient(): Person(), phys(){cout << "Default Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	Patient(string Name, string Specialty, double Fee): Person(Name), phys(Specialty, Fee){cout << "Parameterized Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	~Patient(){cout << "Patient Destructor" << endl;}
	//friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Patient& patObject)
	//	Doctor::operator<<(outStream, patObject);
	//	/*outStream << "Doctor's Speciality: " << phys.getSpecialty;*/
	//	return outStream;

class Billing
	double amtdue;
	Patient pat;
	Doctor doc;

	Billing(): amtdue(-1.0), pat(), doc(){cout << "Default Billing Constructor" << endl;}
	Billing(double Amtdue, string Name, string Specialty, double Fee): amtdue(Amtdue), Patient(Person(Name)), doc(Specialty, Fee){cout << "Parameterized Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	~Billing(){cout << "Billing Destructor" << endl;}

int main()
	Doctor z1("Oncologist", 50);
	Doctor z2("Pathologist", 100);
	Patient x1("Erica", "Oncologist", 50);
	Patient x2("Tom", "Pathologist", 100);
	Billing y1;
	Billing y2;
	cout << z1;
	cout << z2;

	return 0;

In line 91 you're trying to construct the member Patient which is a type not a member.
You did it right everywhere else though.

This, however, is not the only thing wrong with the 'Patient' construction in Billing.
You're constructing a Patient from a Person but you haven't specified a Patient constructor expecting a Person argument.

I fixed up the code and noticed my mistake.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Person
	string name;

	Person():name(""){cout << "Default Person Constructor" << endl;}
	Person(string theName):name(theName){cout << "Parameterized Person Constructor" << endl;}
	Person(const Person& theObject);
	~Person(){cout << "Person Destructor" << endl;}
	string getName() const{return name;}
	Person& operator=(const Person& rtSide)
		string Name;
		Name =;
		return *this;
	friend istream& operator >>(istream& inStream, Person& personObject)
		inStream >>;
		return inStream;
	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Person& personObject)
		outStream << "Person's name: " << << endl;
		return outStream;

class Doctor
	string specialty;
	double fee;

	Doctor():specialty(""), fee(0){cout << "Default Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(string Specialty):specialty(Specialty), fee(0){ cout << "Specialty Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(double Fee):specialty(0), fee(Fee){cout << "Fee Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	Doctor(string Specialty, double Fee):specialty(Specialty), fee(Fee){cout << "Parameterized Doctor Constructor" << endl;}
	~Doctor(){cout << "Doctor Destructor" << endl;}
	string getSpecialty() const{return specialty;}
	double getFee() const{return fee;}
	const Doctor& operator=(const Doctor& rtSide)
		string Specialty;
		double Fee;
		Specialty = rtSide.specialty;
		Fee = rtSide.fee;
		return *this;
	Doctor(const Doctor& theObject);
	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Doctor& docObject)
		outStream << "Doctor's Speciality: " << docObject.specialty << endl;
		return outStream;

class Patient: public Person
	Doctor phys;

	Patient(): Person(), phys(){cout << "Default Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	Patient(string Name, string Specialty, double Fee): Person(Name), phys(Specialty, Fee){cout << "Parameterized Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	~Patient(){cout << "Patient Destructor" << endl;}
	//friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream, const Patient& patObject)
	//	Doctor::operator<<(outStream, patObject);
	//	/*outStream << "Doctor's Speciality: " << phys.getSpecialty;*/
	//	return outStream;

class Billing
	double amtdue;
	Patient pat;
	Doctor doc;

	Billing(): amtdue(-1.0), pat(), doc(){cout << "Default Billing Constructor" << endl;}
	Billing(double Amtdue): amtdue(Amtdue){cout << "Amount Due Parameter Billing Constructor" << endl;}
	Billing(double Amtdue, string Name, string Specialty, double Fee): amtdue(Amtdue), pat(Name, Specialty, Fee), doc(Specialty, Fee){cout << "Parameterized Patient Constructor" << endl;}
	~Billing(){cout << "Billing Destructor" << endl;}
	double getamt() const{return amtdue;};
	const Billing operator +(const Billing& rhs) const
		double adue = amtdue + rhs.amtdue;
		return Billing(adue);

int main()
	Doctor z1("Oncologist", 50);
	Doctor z2("Pathologist", 100);
	Patient x1("Erica", "Oncologist", 50);
	Patient x2("Tom", "Pathologist", 100);
	Billing y1(50);
	Billing y2(100);
	cout << z1;
	cout << z2;
	Billing i = y1 + y2;
	cout << "Sum of Bill 1 and Bill 2: " << i.getamt() << endl;

	return 0;

Write a simple application that can store multiple students' names, student number & email address. The application will store grades for the module and be able to predict the overall mark. The application should be able to:

Add a new student with their name, student number & email address.

List the student's names & student numbers with current total mark.

Input marks for assignments, or update existing marks already in the application

Show the students marks for all 4 C++ assignments

Grade predictor: enter test grades into the 4 assignments to see what the overall mark is.

Show a list of all students in grade order.

Save data to a file

Read data from a file

Once marks for the first 3 assignments are in, the application will be able to tell the user the mark the student needs in the final assignment to achieve 70% all together.

Data can be stored in a file called "studentmarks.txt" C++ programming is scored out of 100% overall.

Tutorial Exercises 1 is worth 10% of the overall mark

Tutorial Exercises 2 is worth 20% of the overall mark

Practical Coursework 3 is worth 30% of the overall mark

Practical Coursework 4 is worth 40% of the overall mark

Grade Classifications are given as follows Overall Grade

Percentage Classification <40% Fail 40% - 49%

Third Class Honours 50%- 59% Lower

Second-Class Honours (2:2) 60%- 69%

Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1)

70% - 100% First Class Honours

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