Hey everyone. I'm really need help for important assignment. I need submit before 10 Jully 2001. but i'm stuck with my task. Can someone help to correct my assignment. Thank so much. Love u all.. This might a simple program but i really stuck.. help !!!
As a part-time student, you took two courses last semester. Write, run and test a C program that calculates and displays your grade point average (GPA) for the semester. Your program should prompt the user to enter the grade ( not a Mark) and credit hours for each course. These should then be displayed, with the lower grade first. The grade point average for the semester should be calculated and displayed. A warning message should be printed if the GPA is less than 2.0 and a congratulatory message posted if the GPA is 3.0 or above.
The official University grades, the mark grade equivalent, grade points and descriptors shall be as follows:
Grade Grade Point Marks Grade Equivalent Descriptor
A 4.00 80 -100 Outstanding
A - 3.67 75-79 Very Good
B + 3.33 70-74 Good
B 3.00 65-69 Good
B - 2.67 60-64 Good
C + 2.33 55-59 Pass
C 2.00 50-54 Pass
C - 1.67 45-49 Conditional Pass
D + 1.33 40-44 Conditional Pass
D 1.00 35-39 Conditional Pass
F 0.00 0-34 Fail
Thanks again everybody.. Help me pls :'(