First, I apologize for posting this since it seems to have been addressed for every situation except mine (or so I can find), and I admit I am a complete novice.
Intro: I have a batch file which gets placed in a directory with target files, loops through the files in the directory, converting them using another program, and moves the output to a dated subdir. Each conversion takes about 30 minutes. The unfinished output file sometimes changes size as it is being converted, but this is quite slow.
Need: Some sort of progress or activity bar to indicate something is happening (for the users who like to close the window thinking its not working).
Current Batch file:
This converts all .mgf files in a directory, places them in a dated sub-dir and after a pause will delete the batch file. This is made for end-users who are a bit click happy.
Set mm=%date:~4,2%
Set dd=%date:~7,2%
Set yyyy=%date:~10,4%
Mkdir "%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd% MGFs"
for /f "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /b *.wiff') do (
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\AB SCIEX\MS Data Converter"
AB_SCIEX_MS_Converter WIFF "%CURRENTDIR%\%%~na.wiff" -proteinpilot MGF "%CURRENTDIR%\%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd% MGFs\%%~na.mgf"
@echo off
start /min cmd /c del /q %~s0
goto :eof
Idea: Put the following somewhere, except I can't get that to work within the for/do structure.
Print var+5 "%"
Pause 500