How do I use glob with urllib2?
So what I have been trying to acheive with no success is creating a list of file names with glob from two sources and comparing them and download file if it doesn't exist.
I can't get past the start because I am not sure how to tell glob to start at the end of the url or directory path.
This is where i was going.
import urllib2, urlparse, glob
def getfile(base, fileExt):
base = ('')
# the files wanted end in _C.rtf
# for files on site not in /home/sayth/python/secFiles download
files = []
files = files.append(urllib2.urlopen(base + glob.glob('?_C.rtf')))
PS I checked with urllib that the full path was correct. I didn't include full print out but as you can see it works.
>>> import urllib
>>> data = urllib.urlopen('').read()
>>> print data
{\rtf1\ansi \deff1\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f1\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;}}