I am writing a polynomial class but the code I have written to overload the ostream operator<< goes into a infinite loop for the first term. I tried to step through but Visual Studio 2010 goes into linker(?) code instead of only stepping through my code. (How to change the setting would help (: ) Anyway, it worked fine when I left it simple to just iterating down without much formatting. But this formatted polynomial I've made causes the infinite loop.

size = size of the coefficient array where the position in the array is the power

friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &Out, const Poly &rhs)
		for(int i = (rhs.size - 1); i > 0; i--)
			if(i = rhs.size - 1)
				if(rhs.coeff[i] > 0)
					Out << rhs.coeff[i] << "X^" << i << " ";
					if(rhs.coeff[i] < 0)
						Out << "-" << rhs.coeff[i] << "X^" << i;
			else if(rhs.coeff[i] > 0)
				Out << " + " << rhs.coeff[i] << "X^" << i;
			else if(rhs.coeff[i] < 0)
				Out << " - " << (rhs.coeff[i] * -1) << "X^" << i;
		if(rhs.coeff[0] > 0)
			Out << " + " << rhs.coeff[0];
		else if(rhs.coeff[0] < 0)
			Out << " - " << (rhs.coeff[0] * -1);

		return Out;

The problem is here -> if(i = rhs.size - 1) . It should be -> if(i == rhs.size - 1)

You are a golden god. Thanks!

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