So Im writing this basic payroll tax program as an assignment , I have everything good this time except for one thing, with the multiple identifiers I have assigned to the data types when I go to write them to the output how do I tell the compiler to write all the corresponding value I know to use " {0} " but do I type "{1}" and so on for each new identifier value ?
I have attached the output I recieve when I debug the program totally different result from what should happen....
Thanks Again!
string employeeName = "Jessica Oakley";
float takeHomePay = 28000 * (9 / 50) * (1 / 10) * (3 / 5);
float fedTaxRate = 28000 * (9 / 50);
float retirement = 28000 * (1 / 10);
float socialSecurity = 28000 * (3 / 5);
float totalSales = 28000 * (3 / 50);
Console.Write("Name: ", employeeName);
Console.WriteLine("The take home pay of: ", employeeName + "will be: ");
Console.WriteLine(" {0} ", takeHomePay);
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine("Amount of money going to Tax's {0}", fedTaxRate);
Console.WriteLine("Amount of money going to Retirement Account {0}", retirement);
Console.WriteLine("Amount of money going to Social Security Account {0}", socialSecurity);
Console.WriteLine("Money earned after reciving 7% of the total sales {0}", totalSales);