It compiles and run but I'm stuck on the last part - I can't figure out how to iterate through the LinkedList and delete all students whose birthYear is greater than 1995 (print only students whose birthYear is less than 1995).
I have to iterate after inserting all records into the linkedlist and before opening a new text file to print out the results.
This is the link to student.txt file -
Please help me out!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Define Doubly Linked List ADT
struct Node {
Node *pPreviousNode;
void *pData;
Node *pNextNode;
} ;
struct LinkedList {
Node *pFirstNode;
Node *pLastNode;
} ;
struct StudentInfo {
int id;
char name[30];
char lastName[30];
char birthPlace[30];
short birthYear;
} ;
void insertAfter (Node *newNode, Node *node) { // insert newNode afternode
newNode->pPreviousNode = node;
newNode->pNextNode = node->pNextNode;
(node->pNextNode)->pPreviousNode = newNode;
node->pNextNode = newNode;
void deleteNode(Node *node) {
(node->pPreviousNode)->pNextNode = node->pNextNode;
(node->pNextNode)->pPreviousNode = node->pPreviousNode;
int main() {
// Step 1: Construct our Linked List with sentinel nodes
LinkedList *myLinkedList = (LinkedList *) malloc(sizeof(LinkedList));
Node *firstNode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); // sentinel for start node
Node *lastNode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); // sentinel for end node
firstNode->pPreviousNode = NULL;
firstNode->pData = NULL;
firstNode->pNextNode = lastNode;
myLinkedList->pFirstNode = firstNode;
lastNode->pPreviousNode = firstNode;
lastNode->pData = NULL;
lastNode->pNextNode = NULL;
myLinkedList->pLastNode = lastNode;
// Step 2: Open file for reading, and read the records one by one, and insert into LinkedList one by one
FILE *fileStudent;
fileStudent = fopen("D:\\student.txt", "r");
char line[150];
while (fgets(line, 150, fileStudent)) {
if(line[0] == 'I') // skip the first line, the header line
StudentInfo *student = (StudentInfo *) malloc(sizeof(StudentInfo));
// printf("address of student: %i ", student);
sscanf(line, "%i %s %s %s %i", &student->id, student->name, student->lastName, student->birthPlace, &student->birthYear);
Node *newNode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
newNode->pData = student;
insertAfter(newNode, myLinkedList->pFirstNode);
// Step 3: Open a new file for writing. Then iterate thorough the nodes of LinkedList, write them to the file one by one
FILE *fileStudentResult;
fileStudentResult = fopen("D:\\result.txt", "w"); // open file for writing
Node *tempNode = myLinkedList->pFirstNode;
tempNode = tempNode->pNextNode; // skip the first sentinel node
StudentInfo *info;
while (tempNode->pNextNode != NULL) {
info = (StudentInfo *)tempNode->pData; // casting the pData to StudentInfo
fprintf(fileStudentResult, "%i \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %i \n", info->id, info->name, info->lastName, info->birthPlace, info->birthYear); // print to the file
tempNode = tempNode->pNextNode; // go to the next node
printf("\n\n Press any key to continue.");
getchar(); getchar();