i want to do a project using graphics in c++..i am going to start with a simple project, because i am a beginner.. plz tell me which websites to refer in order to get help on topics and to learn about graphics in c++.. thank you.. :)

It will depend on the compiler and operating system. Tell us what you are using so that we can be more help.

What do you mean by graphics?

If you mean a graphical user interface, I suggest you take a look at Qt.

If you mean 3D graphics rendering, I suggest you take a look at OpenGL, NeHe tutorials are a great place to start (although out-dated a bit).

And if you actually mean doing both, then look at QGLWidget (part of Qt, allows you to embed an OpenGL view-port inside a GUI).

ancient dragon.. i use turbo c++ compiler..

mike.. thank you for your ideas, i think i'll grt benefited from that later.. i realised that i need to learn even more about c++ before setting out to explore the graphics..

thank you both for your replies.. :)


i realised that i need to learn even more about c++ before setting out to explore the graphics..

Not really. You can use C. OpenGL has bindings for several languages.

Take a look at THIS

Not really. You can use C. OpenGL has bindings for several languages.

Turbo C++ is a 16 bit compiler, so it can't work with OpenGL. He will just have to do it the hard way with Borland's graphics.h for that compiler.

commented: Sorry, i forgot the OP mentioning TC as the compiler :) +5
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