hi can someone helped me in my triangle ><?
my prof told me to make a program that ask the user to input the height of the triangle and the user must be able to input the height..
and the triangle must be a triangle not a right triangle..
this are my codes but it's lacking one for loop idk what to put in that for loop T^T..please help me ><

void main()
    int a,b=1,c,d,r=1;
    do {
        cout<<"please input the height of the triangle"<<endl;
        for(a; a>0; a--) {
            for(c=b; c>0; c--) {
        cout<<"do you want to repeat the program? enter 1 if yes and 2 if not"<<endl;

help please?

please use only this library cause I don't know how to use other libraries ...

help please?

You think people live here? We'll get to your problem when we get to it.

please use only this library cause I don't know how to use other libraries ...

What library? I don't see any library!

What are you supposed to do about the width and 1 angle (required for a triangle)?
Or 2 angles (can also define a triangle)? Just make them up?

A question off-topic


What examples/materials are you using that recommend iostream.h?

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