Is it really hard to find someone who know how to make a good use of stl
and combined the power of GP and OOP?Like the way modern c++ design did?
There are so many people say these kind of techniques are unrealistic
because there are only a few of peoples know how to use them
That means, when you stay in a group, you can't or should not use it
because the other peoples would not be able to decipher and maintain your codes
Although there are a lot of brilliant 3rd parties were developed by those techniques
But when you are in a group, you have to follow the design styles of the group.
And should not use the techniques your groups do not familiar with.
Some of my friends say it is useless to learn it, since there are no
one would like to use it and you can't use it because there are no one
know how to use it.
Only those top class company are able to use these kind of techniques?
If I want to learn and be able to see those advance(?) techniques
I have to get into those top class company?