
I have drawn a human face using simple shapes such as big circle for the face, little circles for the eyes, lines for eyebrows and triangle for the nose. I have been asked to create a template for various expressions of the face (fear, happiness, disgust, etc). Once I'm done, I will merge the template with a real human face. This is supposed to be a simple project but I don't know where to start from. Can anyone help me? Thanks

How have you drawn your basic face? With code, on the computer? With charcoal on paper?

What does it mean to "merge the template with a real human face"?

Once you can more clearly state what your program needs to do, it will be more clear how to start writing it.

How have you drawn your basic face? With code, on the computer? With charcoal on paper?

What does it mean to "merge the template with a real human face"?

Once you can more clearly state what your program needs to do, it will be more clear how to start writing it.

Yes, I drew it with a code. I used openGL with the glut library. From my understanding, I am to write the code for the templates showing different facial expressions. So far, that is how I understand it. I will get some more clarification and post it here. Thanks for replying.

I was able to create the templates. Using the generic code I had for the face, i changed the positions of the primitive shapes. I did that for each individual expression I wanted to create. For example if I wanted to draw the facial expression "happiness", I draw the mouth with an arc and if I wanted to show a sad face, I draw the mouth as a straight horizontal line with eye browse (arcs) pointing down.

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