I am creating a rock, paper, scissors game (RPS) for my C++ class. I got most of the code working but I can't figure out how to implement the Log and the printLog functions an. I've been working on this assignment for the past 6 hrs and this is the only thing that is stopping my code from working correctly.


# Requirements:

* You must implement the following :

1. you have to invoke the rand() function from < cmath> to provide the choice of play for computer.
2. enum RPS{ Rock, Paper, Scissors} ; C++ enumerate type must be used.
3. An array of structure must be used for the game log.
4. void displayRules() // display the rule for RPS game.
5. RPS retrievePlay(char selection): // convert input R/r to Rock, P/p to Paper, S/s to Scissors.
6. bool validSelection(char selection); // check to see if the user's choice is valid (R P S or r p s )
7. void GameSummary(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2); // display the final statistics of the series.
8. RPS winningPlay(RPS play1, RPS play2); // return the winner of play1 vs play2
9. void gameResult(RPS play1, RPS play2, int& winner); // display playes' choices and the winner
10. void Log(RPS p1, RPS p2, int winner, int n); // store the current game result to the Log
11. void printLog(int) ; // display the log of the series.

# There is no need to validate the user input. (Assume the users are intelligent and not try to crash your system in purpose .... which ,in genereal , is not true.)


// Assignment 4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
enum RPS{Rock, Paper, Scissors} ;

void displayRules();
RPS retrievePlay(char selection);
bool validSelection(char selection);
void convertEnum(RPS object);
void GameSummary(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2, int tieCount);
RPS  winningPlay(RPS play1, RPS play2);
void gameResult(RPS play1, RPS play2, int& winner);
void Log(RPS p1, RPS p2, int winner, int n);
void printLog(int gameCount) ;

void displayRules(){
	cout << "Welcome to the game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors." << endl;
	cout << "This is a game for two players (one could be computer." << endl;
	cout << "For eachgame, each player selects one of the objects:" << endl;
	cout << "Rock, Paper or Scissors." << endl;
	cout << "The rules for winning the game are:" << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "1. If both players selects the same object, it is a tie." << endl;
	cout << "2. Rock breaks Scissors: So player who selects Rock wins." << endl;
	cout << "3. Paper covers Rock: So player who selects Paper wins." << endl;
	cout << "4. Scissors cuts Paper: So player who selects Scissors wins." << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Enter  R or r to select Rock," << endl;
	cout <<	"       P or p to select Paper, and" << endl;
	cout << "       S or s to select Scissors." << endl;
	cout << endl;


RPS retrievePlay(char selection){

	RPS object;
	switch (selection)
	case 'P':
	case 'p':
		object = Paper;
	case 'R':
	case 'r':
		object = Rock;
	case 'S':
	case 's':
		object = Scissors;

	return object;

bool validSelection(char selection)
    switch (selection)
		case 'R':
		case 'r':	   
		case 'P':
		case 'p':
		case 'S':
		case 's':
			return true;
			return false;	   

void convertEnum(RPS object){
	switch (object)
	case Rock:
		cout << "Rock";
	case Paper:
		cout << "Paper";
	case Scissors: 
		cout << "Scissors";

void GameSummary(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2, int tieCount){
	cout << "The total number of plays          : " << gCount << endl;
	cout << "The number of plays won by You     : " << wCount1 << endl;
	cout << "The number of plays won by Computer: " << wCount2 << endl;
	cout << "The number of tie plays            : " << tieCount << endl;

RPS  winningPlay(RPS play1, RPS play2){
	if ((play1 == Rock && play2 == Scissors) || (play2 == Rock && play1 == Scissors)){
		return Rock;
	else if ((play1 == Rock && play2 == Paper) || (play2 == Rock && play1 == Paper)){
		return Paper;
		return Scissors;

void gameResult(RPS play1, RPS play2, int& winner){
	RPS winnerPlay;
	if (play1 == play2){
		winner = 0;
		cout << "Both players selected ";
		cout << ". This game is a tie." << endl;
	else {
		winnerPlay = winningPlay(play1, play2);
		cout << "Player 1 selected "; 
		cout << " and Computer chose ";
		cout << ". " << endl;

		if (play1 == winnerPlay){
			winner = 1;
		else if (play2 == winnerPlay) {
			winner = 2;

		cout << endl;
		cout << "Player " << winner << " wins the game." << endl;

const int N = 100 ;

struct game{
	RPS play1 ;
	RPS play2 ;
	int winner ;
}  GameLog[N] ;

void Log(RPS p1, RPS p2, int winner, int n){

	GameLog[n].play1 = p1;
	GameLog[n].play2 = p2;
	GameLog[n].winner = winner;


void printLog(int gameCount){
	int n = 0;
	RPS play1 = GameLog[n].play1; 
	RPS play2 = GameLog[n].play2;
	int gamewinner = 0;
	int winner = 0;

	Log(play1,play2,gamewinner, gameCount);
	for(int i = 0; i < gameCount; i++){
	//gameResult(play1, play2, winner);
	cout << "Game# " << i+1;
	gameResult(play1, play2, winner);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int compChoice;
	int gameCount= 0; //variable to store the number of 
                   //games played
    int winCount1 = 0 ; //variable to store the number of games 
                   //won by you
    int winCount2 = 0; //variable to store the number of games 
                   //won by computer
	int tieCount = 0;

    int gamewinner;
    char response;  //variable to get the user's response to 
                    //play the game
	                   //play the game
    char selection1;
    char selection2;
    RPS play1;  //player1's selection
    RPS play2;  //player2's selection

    cout << "Enter Y/y to play the game: ";       
    cin >> response;                              
    cout << endl;
    while (response == 'Y' ||  response == 'y')   
        cout << "Player 1 enter your choice: " <<  endl;   
        cin >> selection1; 
        cout << endl;
   // instead of prompt for player2's choice, you need to invoke the rand() function and
   // assign the choice for the computer

  compChoice = rand() % 3;

  if (compChoice == 0){
	  selection2 = 'r';
  if (compChoice == 1){
	  selection2 = 'p';
  if (compChoice == 2){
	  selection2 = 's';

        if (validSelection(selection1) 
               && validSelection(selection2))
            play1 = retrievePlay(selection1);

            play2 = retrievePlay(selection2);

            gameResult(play1, play2, gamewinner); 

            if (gamewinner == 1)                  


            else if (gamewinner == 2)


			else //(gamewinner == 1 && gamewinner == 2)


		//Log(play1, play2, gamewinner, gameCount);
        }//end if

        cout << "\nEnter Y/y to play the game: ";  
        cin >> response;                          
        cout << endl;
    }//end while 

       GameSummary(gameCount, winCount1, 
	   cout << "\n\nDo you want a Game Log ? " ;
	   cin >> response ; 
	   cout << endl;

	   if  (response == 'Y' ||  response == 'y') printLog(gameCount);

    return 0;


Can anyone please tell me how to get the Log() function to work?

Please explain how the LOG and PrintLOG functions are supposed to work.
Then explain how the code you wrote for them work.

1. The Log function is suppose to store the current game results to the Log.
2. The printLog just displays the Log of the series.

The following is the output that I am suppose to get for the entire game:

Welcome to the game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors.
This is a game for two players (one could be computer.
For eachgame, each player selects one of the objects:
Rock, Paper or Scissors.
The rules for winning the game are:

1. If both players selects the same object, it is a tie.
2. Rock breaks Scissors: So player who selects Rock wins.
3. Paper covers Rock: So player who selects Paper wins.
4. Scissors cuts Paper: So player who selects Scissors wins.

Enter R or r to select Rock,
P or p to select Paper, and
S or s to select Scissors.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: R
You selected ROCK and

Computer selected SCISSORS .

You won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: P
You selected PAPER and

Computer selected SCISSORS .

Computer won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: S
You selected SCISSORS and

Computer selected PAPER .

You won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: S
You selected SCISSORS and

Computer selected PAPER .

You won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: P
You selected PAPER and

Computer selected SCISSORS .

Computer won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: P
Both players selected paper. This game is a tie.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice:
Both players selected rock. This game is a tie.

Enter Y/y to play the game:

Please enter your choice:
Both players selected rock. This game is a tie.

Enter Y/y to play the game: Y

Please enter your choice: S
You selected SCISSORS and

Computer selected PAPER .

You won this game.

Enter Y/y to play the game: N
The total number of plays : 9
The number of plays won by You : 4
The number of plays won by Computer : 2
The number of tie plays : 3

Do you want a Game Log ? Y
Game # 1 ROCK vs SCISSORS You won!
Game # 2 PAPER vs SCISSORS Computer won!
Game # 3 SCISSORS vs PAPER You won!
Game # 4 SCISSORS vs PAPER You won!
Game # 5 PAPER vs SCISSORS Computer won!
Game # 6 PAPER vs PAPER tie game, no one won.
Game # 7 ROCK vs ROCK tie game, no one won.
Game # 8 ROCK vs ROCK tie game, no one won.
Game # 9 SCISSORS vs PAPER You won!

OK, that's what is supposed to happen.
You didn't explain what your code does.

Post each function and explain the steps each function takes to achieve the results desired.

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