Hello. I am trying to write a program where a human can play rock, paper, scissors with the computer. I'm stuck on the "determine computers choice" part......Here's my code so far...
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main ()
// initialize the computer's random number generator
int random_integer = rand();
cout << random_integer << endl;
// declare variables
int R;
int P;
int S;
int Q;
// start loop
// determine computers choice
// prompt for, and read, the human's choice
string answer;
cout << "Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors or Quit [R, P, S, or Q]: ";
// if human wants to quit, break out of loop
// determine winner
cout << "Computer: "<< ?????? << "Human: " << ??????? << ???????
// print results
// end loop
// end program
return 0;