After trying to start writing my long paper "Programing, The Art" I noticed that, getting user imput, conditional statements, using escape charecters, exicuting system commands, and even declaring variables and using them so that they have use; these are all difficult outside of the domain of C and C++, even the merciless Java can't do it without several lines of code and Java's even more standardized! Why? Now the book (now) isn't finished, it still need a few languages (C#, Perl, etc.) so this is the 12 or so languages that have been reasherched.

done ranting yet? I hope your "long paper" is more coherent than is this post, as I can't make heads or tails out of it.
And oh, you're wrong.

I noticed that, getting user imput, conditional statements, using escape charecters, exicuting system commands, and even declaring variables and using them so that they have use; these are all difficult outside of the domain of C and C++

Hahaha! No. ;)

even the merciless Java can't do it without several lines of code and Java's even more standardized!

Let's do a test:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    std::string line;
    while (getline(std::cin, line))
        std::cout << line << '\n';

class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader in(new InputStreamReader(;
        String line;
        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)

Hmm, even for console input (where Java is especially verbose), the two programs are equivalent in length and complexity.


I'd wager that the reason is you know C and C++ better, have an emotional attachment to them, and even the smallest syntactic difference in other languages causes you to rage irrationally. ;)

Your probly right... Most of the languiges in it are scripting languiges or a little more brittle (Fortran, assembly, etc). And C++ (and C for perfectionists) are the only languige(s) that have worked well on my computer, the exeption being python, D has a object problem that no one else has, ruby wont start, Perl frezzes on instalation, Fortran gives me grif, Assembly assembler doesnt assemble right, Javascript doesnt have wht i want (file io), Java's IDE (Netbeans) is WAY too slow (The compiler is fast the IDE is slow), and C# is my friends native languige and my goal is to beat him at codeing at the next cpontest at my house and each person must use a different languige. I really need a new compiuter...

I noticed that, getting user imput, conditional statements, using escape charecters, exicuting system commands, and even declaring variables and using them so that they have use; these are all difficult outside of the domain of C and C++

Have a look at this:

# user input (one line of user input)
input = gets()
# conditional statement
if yours > mine
# using escape characters
puts "null: \0, newline: \n, ..."
# executing system command
# declaring variables
five = 5
greeting  = "hellow"
time =
# using them 'so that they have use'
five.times do # greet five times
   puts greeting
puts time # show current time
five_as_string = five.to_s # convert variables
time_as_timestamp = time.to_i

How come ruby doesn't work for you? If you are using windows, try using it with cygwin (Windows' CMD isn't very great when it comes to the PATH variable).

Cheers, xfbs

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