I am new to Java and I am having trouble knowing if my array is populating when I click the enter button and printing out the data into the text area when I click the run reports button. When I put data in the text boxes the boxes are being reset for new data entry but when I press the run reports I get nothing. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class TutorHelp extends JFrame
	private JPanel panel; //reference to the panel
	private JLabel TutorTimeLabel; //tutoring time label
	private JTextField timeField; //tutoring time text field
	private JLabel TutorWageLabel; //tutoring wage label
	private JTextField wageField; //tutoring wage text field
	private JTextArea textArea; // tutoring text area
	private JButton enterButton; // Enter button
	private JButton runReportsButton; // run reports button
	private JButton quitButton; // quit button
	final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 500; //window width
	final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 600; // window height
	double [] tutorMin = new double [2];
	double [] tutorWage = new double [2];

public TutorHelp()
setTitle("Tutor Earnings"); // Window title
setSize(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);// Window size
buildPanel(); //build the panel
add(panel); // add to the panel
setVisible(true); // makes the window visible


private void buildPanel()
	TutorTimeLabel = new JLabel("Tutor Time"); //Tutoring label
	timeField = new JTextField(10); // time text field
	TutorWageLabel = new JLabel("Tutor Earnings"); // tutor wage label
	wageField = new JTextField(10); //wage text field
	textArea = new JTextArea(25,50); // window text area
	enterButton = new JButton("Enter"); // create an enter button
	enterButton.addActionListener(new EnterButtonListener()); // add a enter button action listener
	runReportsButton = new JButton("Run Reports"); //create a run reports button
	runReportsButton.addActionListener(new runReportsButtonListener()); // add a run reports action listener
	quitButton = new JButton("Quit"); // create a quit button
	quitButton.addActionListener(new quitButtonListener()); // add a quit button action listener
	panel = new JPanel(); //create a panel
	panel.add(TutorTimeLabel); // add tutor time label
	panel.add(timeField); // add time field 
	panel.add(TutorWageLabel); // add tutor time label
	panel.add(wageField); // add wage field 
	panel.add(textArea); // add text area
	panel.add(enterButton); // add enter button
	panel.add(runReportsButton); // add the run reports button
	panel.add(quitButton); // add a quit button

private class EnterButtonListener implements ActionListener  // enter button class listener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) // action event
		int count = 0; // counter variable
		double num1 = 0; // time array variable
		double num2 =0; // wage array variable
		double m = Double.parseDouble(timeField.getText()); // get input from the time text field
		double w = Double.parseDouble(wageField.getText()); // get input from the wage text field
		num1 = m ; // parse the input from the time field
		num2 = w ; // parse the input from the wage field
		if (num1 <= 0) // error check for tutor time
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a time larger than 0", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // error message if you enter the wrong number	
		}else if (num1 > 240)
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have worked to many minutes this week", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // error if you work to many minutes
			for(double i = 0;  i< 3; i++)  //loop for num1
			if(num2 < 0) 
				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a wage", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); //error message for the wage field
			for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					for(count = 1; count <=3; count++){ //counter for the enter button
					tutorMin[0] = m;
					tutorWage[1]= w;

private class runReportsButtonListener implements ActionListener  // enter run reports class listener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
		double average = 0 ; // run reports variables
		Double num1 = 0.0d;
		Double num2 = 0.0d;
		Double totalMin = 0.0d;
		double totalEarnings = 0.0d;
		final double MIN_WAGE = 7.25;
		Double totalWage = 0.0d;
		String wage = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < tutorMin.length; i++)  //loop to total the minutes
			totalMin += i;
		for (int j = 0; j < tutorWage.length; j++) //loop to total the earnings
			totalEarnings += j; 
		for (int j = 0; j < tutorWage.length; j++) // loop to find average wage
			totalWage += j;
			average = totalEarnings / 60;
		if (average > MIN_WAGE)  // statement to find if above average wage
			wage = "Above Minimum Wage";
		}else if ((average < MIN_WAGE)&&(average > MIN_WAGE)) // statement to find if equal to average wage
			wage = "Equal to Minimum Wage";
		}else if (average < MIN_WAGE)   // statement to find if below average wage
			wage = "Below Minimum Wage";
		textArea.append("Total minutes are: " +totalMin+"\n"); // prints out data
		textArea.append("Average Earnings are: " +average+"\n");
		textArea.append("Minimum wage is: " +wage+"\n" );

private class quitButtonListener implements ActionListener  // quit button class listener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
	System.exit(0);	// closes window
	public static void main (String[] args) // the main
	TutorHelp th = new TutorHelp(); 
textArea.append("Total minutes are: " +totalMin+"\n"); // prints out data
textArea.append("Average Earnings are: " +average+"\n");
textArea.append("Minimum wage is: " +wage+"\n" );

what did you expect this to do? you're setting the textArea with "", meaning basicly, no text.
try this:

String a = new String("Total minutes are: " + totalMin +"\n");
a+=("Average Earnings are: " + average + "\n");
a+=("Minimum wage is: " + wage + "\n");

From what I had read I thought that the code was going to print the text data into the text area. I will try your suggestion. Thanks

textArea.append("Total minutes are: " +totalMin+"\n"); // prints out data
textArea.append("Average Earnings are: " +average+"\n");
textArea.append("Minimum wage is: " +wage+"\n" );

what did you expect this to do? you're setting the textArea with "", meaning basicly, no text.
try this:

String a = new String("Total minutes are: " + totalMin +"\n");
a+=("Average Earnings are: " + average + "\n");
a+=("Minimum wage is: " + wage + "\n");

Thank you stultuske, I now get a print out in the text field but it prints out the default information in the run reports button. The data I am inputting in the text boxes is either not going into the array or I am not retrieving it properly.


I just read this between things, and after my hours, so don't be surprised I don't read every line.

what is:

1. the input you give
2. the output you expect for it
3. the output you actually get


1. The input I give: the time and payment inputed in the two text fields.

2. Expected out put: the total minutes, the average wage per hour and if that average wage is above equal to or below average wage.

3. Actual output: Total minutes are: 1.0
Average Earnings are: 0.016666666666666666
Minimum wage is: Below Minimum Wage
I get these numbers no matter what numbers are inputed

just give the exact input (numbers) and output.
I know what it's supposed to return, but it's the values that could be of help.

The user should be able to enter any numbers for the minutes and the wages. For example I put in 45 in the tutor time field and 90 in tutor wage field. I would click the enter button then enter 25 in the tutor time field and 50 in the tutor wage field and click enter. I would enter 40 in the tutor time field and 80 in the tutor wage field click enter. Then I would click the run reports button to get the total minutes, average wage per hour and above, equal or below minimum wage

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