Hey all. I'm trying to get the FindDaysOver function to grab the avg result from the CalcAvg function result in main. What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated!

		#include <iomanip>
		using namespace std;

		double FindMax(double [], int); 
		double FindMin(double [], int);
        	double CalcAvg(double [], int);        
		int FindDaysOver(double [], int, double avg);

        int main()
             const int NUMELS = 20;
			 const int NUMELS3 = 8;

             double stock1[] = {34.25,40.50,36.50,40.00,

			 double stock2[] = {40.25,38.50,34.50,33.50,

			 double stock3[] = {100.41, 90.45, 99.30, 102.99,
								98.54, 95.30, 92.32, 110.88};  
             double avg, max, min ;
			 int days;


			 cout << setw(41) << "The Stock Problem" << endl;
			 cout << setw (49) << "__________________________________" << endl << endl;
		 //Report One
			 cout << setw (48) << "Report One - Maximums & Minimums" << endl <<endl;
			 cout << setw (37) << "Stock One:" << endl;

			 max = FindMax(stock1, NUMELS); 
			 cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << " " << max << endl;
			 min = FindMin(stock1, NUMELS); 
             cout << setw (31) << "Min:" << " " << min << endl << endl;
			 cout << setw (37) << "Stock Two:" << endl;
			 max = FindMax(stock2, NUMELS); 
			 cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << " " << max << endl;

			 min = FindMin(stock2, NUMELS); 
             cout << setw (31) << "Min:" << " " << min << endl << endl;

			 system( "PAUSE" );

		//Report Two
             cout << "\n         Report Two - Averages & Days Exceeding Average" << endl << endl;
			 cout << setw (37) << "Stock One:" << endl;
			 avg = CalcAvg(stock1, NUMELS); 
			 cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl;
			 days = FindDaysOver (stock1, NUMELS, avg);
			 cout << setw (42) << "Number of Days:" << " " << days << endl << endl;

			 cout << setw (37) << "Stock Two:" << endl;
			 avg = CalcAvg(stock2, NUMELS);
			 cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl;
			 days = FindDaysOver (stock2, NUMELS, avg);
			 cout << setw (42) << "Number of Days:" << " " << days << endl << endl;
			 system( "PAUSE" );

		//Report Three
			 cout << "\n         Report Three - Stock Three: Maximum & Average" << endl << endl;
			 max = FindMax(stock3, NUMELS3);
			 cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << "    " << max << endl;
			 avg = CalcAvg(stock3, NUMELS3);
			 cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl << endl;
			 return 0;

		double FindMax(double array[], int size)        
              double max = 0;            
              for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
				  if (array[index] > max)
					  max = array [index];
              return (max);        

		 double FindMin(double array[], int size)           
              double min = array [0];            
              for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
				  if (array[index] < min)
					  min = array [index];
              return (min);        

        double CalcAvg(double array[], int size)       
              double sum = 0;            
              for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
                 sum = sum + array[index];
              return (sum /size);        
		int FindDaysOver(double array[],int size, double avg)
                          int days = 0;
			  for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
				  if (array[index] > avg)
                                         days =days++;
			  return (days);	

Thanks to your formatting your code is extremely difficult to read. I can't even find FindDaysOver()

Reformat using this link and repost.

Is the following easier to read?

#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

double FindMax(double [], int); 
double FindMin(double [], int);
double CalcAvg(double [], int);        
int FindDaysOver(double [], int, double avg);

int main()
   const int NUMELS = 20;
   const int NUMELS3 = 8;

   double stock1[] = {34.25,40.50,36.50,40.00,

   double stock2[] = {40.25,38.50,34.50,33.50,

   double stock3[] = {100.41, 90.45, 99.30, 102.99,
   98.54, 95.30, 92.32, 110.88};  
   double avg, max, min ;
   int days;


   cout << setw(41) << "The Stock Problem" << endl;
   cout << setw (49) << "__________________________________" << endl << endl;

//Report One

   cout << setw (48) << "Report One - Maximums & Minimums" << endl <<endl;
   cout << setw (37) << "Stock One:" << endl;

   max = FindMax(stock1, NUMELS); 
   cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << " " << max << endl;
   min = FindMin(stock1, NUMELS); 
   cout << setw (31) << "Min:" << " " << min << endl << endl;
   cout << setw (37) << "Stock Two:" << endl;
   max = FindMax(stock2, NUMELS); 
   cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << " " << max << endl;

   min = FindMin(stock2, NUMELS); 
   cout << setw (31) << "Min:" << " " << min << endl << endl;

system( "PAUSE" );

//Report Two

   cout << "\n         Report Two - Averages & Days Exceeding Average" << endl << endl;
   cout << setw (37) << "Stock One:" << endl;
   avg = CalcAvg(stock1, NUMELS); 
   cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl;
   days = FindDaysOver (stock1, NUMELS, avg);
   cout << setw (42) << "Number of Days:" << " " << days << endl << endl;

   cout << setw (37) << "Stock Two:" << endl;
   avg = CalcAvg(stock2, NUMELS);
   cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl;
   days = FindDaysOver (stock2, NUMELS, avg);
   cout << setw (42) << "Number of Days:" << " " << days << endl << endl;
system( "PAUSE" );

//Report Three
   cout << "\n         Report Three - Stock Three: Maximum & Average" << endl << endl;
   max = FindMax(stock3, NUMELS3);
   cout << setw (31) << "Max:" << "    " << max << endl;
   avg = CalcAvg(stock3, NUMELS3);
   cout << setw (35) << "Average:" << " " << avg << endl << endl;
   return 0;


double FindMax(double array[], int size)        
   double max = 0;            
   for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (array[index] > max)
      max = array [index];
   return (max);        

double FindMin(double array[], int size)           
   double min = array [0];            
   for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (array[index] < min)
      min = array [index];
   return (min);        

double CalcAvg(double array[], int size)       
   double sum = 0;            
   for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      sum = sum + array[index];
   return (sum /size);        
int FindDaysOver(double array[],int size, double avg)
   int days = 0;
   for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (array[index] > avg)
      days =days + 1;
   return (days);	

Is the following easier to read?


Hey all. I'm trying to get the FindDaysOver function to grab the avg result from the CalcAvg function result in main. What am I doing wrong?

Nothing that I can see.


Nothing that I can see.

Cool! I used the online compiler at code pad and received a system fork error. I wasn't sure if it was the compiler or my code. I can't wait to get off work and run it at home! I'll post if I'm successful. Is it possible to keep this thread open til then?

Threads don't close unless they cause problems. But when you finish your task it's proper to "Mark this Thread as Solved", above the reply box.

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