Hi! Can anyone please tell me where my mistake in this is?
The information from the list has to be transferred to the tree. But only the first element is copied.
using namespace std;
struct Person{
char first[30], last[30];
struct aList {
char adr[30]; Person name[30]; int numPpl; aList *next;
struct aTree {
char adr[30]; Person name[30]; int numPpl; aTree *adrL, *adrR;
typedef aList * point;
typedef aTree * node;
node root;
point head;
void create(point &head)
point Last, p;
char ch, cz;
int i;
cout <<" New address <y/n>: ";
cin >> ch;
while (ch == 'y')
int j=1;
p = new aList;
cout << "Address: ";
cin >> p->adr;
cout << "Number of inhabitants: ";
cin >> p->numPpl;
for (int i=0; i<p->numPpl; i++, j++)
cout << j << " Name: ";
cin >> p->name[i].first;
cout << j << " Last name: ";
cin >> p->name[i].last;
if (head == NULL) head = p;
else Last->next = p;
Last = p;
cout << " New address <y/n>: ";
cin >> ch;
void print_List(point p)
while (p)
int j=1;
cout << endl << "Inhabitants of '" << p->adr << "' :" << endl << endl;
for (int i=0; i<p->numPpl; i++, j++)
cout << " " << j << ". " << p->name[i].first << " " << p->name[i].last << endl;
void Ins_List(point head)
char adrs[30];
point p, pPrev, q;
cout << " Enter address: ";
cin >> adrs;
p = head->next;
pPrev = head;
while (p && strcmp(p->adr, adrs) < 0)
pPrev = p;
p = p->next;
if (p && strcmp(p->adr, adrs) == 0)
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < q->numPpl; i++, j++)
cout << j << " Name: ";
cin >> p->name[i].first;
cout << j << " Last name: ";
cin >> p->name[i].last;
q=new aList;
cout << " Number of inhabitants: ";
cin >> q->numPpl;
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < q->numPpl; i++, j++)
cout << j << " Name: ";
cin >> q->name[i].first;
cout << j << " Last name: ";
cin >> q->name[i].last;
q->next = p;
pPrev->next = q;
void add_to_BST(node &n, point p)
if (n==NULL)
n=new aTree;
strcpy(n->adr, p->adr);
for (int i=0; i<p->numPpl; i++)
strcpy(n->name[i].first, p->name[i].first);
strcpy(n->name[i].last, p->name[i].last);
else if (strcmp(n->adr, p->adr)>0)
add_to_BST (n->adrL, p->next);
else if (strcmp(n->adr, p->adr)<0)
add_to_BST (n->adrR, p->next);
else cout<<" Address exists! "<<endl;
void print_Tree(node n)
if (n)
int j=1;
cout << endl << "Inhabitants of '" << n->adr << "' :" << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n->numPpl; i++, j++)
cout << " " << j << ". " << n->name[i].first << " " << n->name[i].last << endl;
int main()
char adr[30];
cout << endl << "print list:";
add_to_BST(root, head);
cout << endl << "print tree:";
cout << endl << "end of program" << endl;