I have to count the number of records being read in and print them to the screen. A record consists of: website name (temp.url), website revenue (temp.rev) and website hits (temp.hits). These are all read in and returned as temp. For the life of me though, I can't figure out for the life of me the logic behind how I'm suppose to count them. Below is my code...
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct webSite
int hits;
string url;
double revenue;
struct webTot
int totRec, totHits;
double totRev, avgRev;
webSite ReadRec(ifstream&);
void DisplayTitle ();
void DisplayRec(webSite);
void DisplayTotal(webTot);
int main()
ifstream fin;
cout << "Reading file input.\n\n";
ifstream inFile;
if (inFile.fail( ))
cout << "Input file opening failed.\n";
DisplayTitle ();
webSite stats;
webTot sums;
sums.totRev = 0;
sums.totHits = 0;
sums.totRec = 0;
while(! inFile.eof())
stats = ReadRec(inFile);
sums.totRev = sums.totRev + stats.revenue;
sums.totHits = sums.totHits + stats.hits;
sums.avgRev = sums.totRev / sums.totHits;
// sums.totRec = sums.totRev++;
DisplayTotal (sums);
return 0;
webSite ReadRec(ifstream& inFile)
webSite temp;
inFile >> temp.url >> temp.revenue >> temp.hits;
return temp;
void DisplayTitle ()
cout<<"Website Report" << endl << endl;
void DisplayRec(webSite temp)
cout << temp.url << setw(10) << temp.revenue << setw(10) << temp.hits << endl << endl;
void DisplayTotal(webTot temp)
cout << temp.totRev <<endl;
cout << temp.totHits <<endl;
cout << temp.avgRev << endl;
// cout << temp.totRec << endl;