:lol: hello
i want to show the time in a certain program in part of seconds but i don't know,can you help me in solve this problem?

The function clock() in time.h or ctime returns the number of ticks since "process start". A tick is about a millisecond.

:lol: hello
i want to show the time in a certain program in part of seconds but i don't know,can you help me in solve this problem?

What is the language you are using? Is it a console program or a GUI program?

What is the language you are using? Is it a console program or a GUI program?

i use C++


Then the function std::clock() and the class std::clock_t can be used.

#include <ctime>
std::clock_t start_time = std::clock();
//Do something
std::clock_t time_passed = std::clock() - start_time;
std::cout << "time = " << time_passed;

convert this to seconds by using the CLOCKS_PER_SEC macro. you get the above in clock ticks. It is approximately a millisecond.

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