Hello Everyone,
I hope this is the right place i'm posting
this, basically I need some help with Visual Basic 2008.
We've been set a task to build a
really basic web browser with one advanced function. I've done the web browser
with the basic functionality, but this advanced feature really has got me
The advanced feature is a "most
visited site" feature. I need to create some kind of listbox, that keeps track
of all the websites visited (when the go button is pressed) and arranges them in
the most popular order (i.e. the one that has been clicked the most)
Furthermore, it states that substrings
should be used so that for example if you go to http://daniweb.com and go to http://daniweb.com/test that counts as 1 hit.
I've been breaking my head out, because I'm sure its something to do with arrays,
but he did say you will need to use multiple procedures/strings/functions....
Hope someone out there can help me