is this logic correct, where does counting starts in a link list, is it from 0 or 1.
b'cos when i am ading item 60 at loc 4, den the output is :
item number 1 contains 30
item number 2 contains 20
item number 3 contains 10
item number 4 contains 40
item number 5 contains 60
item number 6 contains 50

struct linklist{
int item;
struct linklist *link;
struct linklist *start;
int main()
start=NULL;//Assume the list is empty;
/*function to add elements at desired location*/
 printf("\nElements in the list after insertion are:\n");
add_at_loc(int data,int loc)
 struct linklist *new=(struct linklist*)malloc(sizeof(struct linklist));//allocate memory for node
 struct linklist *next_node, *ptr=start;//declare a pointer variable for next node, and assign start pointer to a pointer variable ptr
 int i=1;//counter
 new->item=data;//set item to data
 new->link=NULL;//set link to NULL
 if(start==NULL)//checks if list is empty
 start=new;//if list is empty , insert the node as 1st node in list
 while((ptr->link!=NULL)&&(i!=loc))//condition checks for last node and location match
 i++;//increment to next node
 ptr=ptr->link;//assign the link of next node to point to ptr(start pointer variable)
 if(i==loc)//if location is found

where does counting starts in a link list, is it from 0 or 1.

depends on whats the first input of item but I believe you used 1
actually this is the issue here:

if(i==loc)//if location is found

once the node with the same value is found
here you insert the the new node to be the next node of the current
for example once node 4 is found the new node's value is inserted and becomes the next node which is node 5

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