When the score is greater than 100 points the program should ask me whether the score is correct The program should ask me whether the score is correct. The program should not add a score that is more than 100 points to the accumulator with out permission (if(score > 1000 cout << "is the score correct?: ";)cin >> permission;.)Modify the program appropiatelly. **If you dont understand my instructions. Please help me correct this program. Please explain to me the errors I made.
//Lab7-2.cpp - displays the total points earned and grade
//Created/revised by <your name> on <current date>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declare variables
int score = 0;
int totalPoints = 0; //accumulator
char permission = ' ';
//get first score
cout << "First score (-1 to stop): ";
cin >> score;
while(score < 100)
if(score > 100)
out << "is the score correct?: ";
cin >> permission;
if(toupper(permission == Y)
totalPoints+= score; // Accumulator
cout << "NextScore: ";
cin >> score;
cout << "Next Score (100 to stop): ";
cin >> score;
//display the total points and grade
cout << "Total points earned: " << totalPoints << endl;
return 0;
} //end of main function