There's something wrong with the curly brace's can anyone see where please.

//Header file for LinkedList.cpp.
//Declaring templates for classes.
template<class Datatype> class LinkedListNode;
template<class Datatype> class LinkedList;
template<class Datatype> class LinkedListIterator;

//Class: LinkedListNode.
//Description: This is a class for the Linked List nodes.
template<class Datatype> 
class LinkedListNode
//Member Variables.
    Datatype m_data;
    LinkedListNode<Datatype> * m_previous;
    LinkedListNode<Datatype>* m_next;

    m_previous = 0;
    m_next = 0;
//Function:insertAfter. Inserts a new node after the current node.
    void insertAfter(Datatype p_data)
    //Create the new node.
    LinkedListNode<Datatype>* newNode = new LinkedListNode<Datatype>;
    newNode->m_data = p_data;
    //Make the new node point to the next node.
    newNode->m_next = m_next;
    //Make the previous node point to the new node.
    m_next = newNode;
//Function:insertBefore. Inserts a node before the current node.
void insertBefore(Datatype p_data )
        //Create the new node.
        DListNode<Datatype>* newNode = new DListNode<Datatype>;
        newnode->m_data = p_data;

        //Set newnodes pointer.
        newnode->m_next     = this;
        newnode->m_previous = m_previous;

        //If there is a node before this make it point to the newNode.
        if( m_previous != 0 )
            m_previous->m_next = newNode;

        //Make the current node point to the newNode.
        m_previous = newNode;

//Class:LinkedList. This is the Doubly-linked list container.
template<class Datatype>
class LinkedList
//Class:LinkedList. This is the Doubly-linked list container.
template<class Datatype>
class LinkedListIterator
    LinkedListIterator( LinkedList<Datatype>* p_list = 0, LinkedListNode<Datatype>* p_node = 0 )
        m_list = p_list;
        m_node = p_node;




Start commenting out functions and/or declarations until you find it.

When writing code compile at least every time you write a new function (if not more often).

@ Lerner: And you must have thought out some examples planned before at hand to test the addition, so it basically means:

Better do Test Driven Development

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