I just want to know the exact difference between intialising and assigning a variable. Is it possible to initialise a variable multiple times in C prog or is it just initialise once n assign all the other time...can somebody help me out please.

assigning a variable

I'm a bit confused by this statement, isn't it supposed to be assigning a value to a variable

Is it possible to initialise a variable multiple times in C prog

No, it's not necessary, why do you need to initialize it every time?

initialise once n assign all the other time

yes, this is more likely

You initialize a variable to give it a starting value if you need to use it.
To initialize the variable you assign a value to it.

So initializing means making sure you know the variable has a valid starting value.
Assigning means putting a value into the variable.
Slight definition difference of the same thing.

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