Hello everyone, I want to start learning C++, because that's what we do at school and I really need to know it. But there's a problem, I don't know where to start from, what to do and such. At school I can't understand anything from the teacher, so that won't work. I tried reading some books, but they don't explain very well, or I just simply can't understand.
I come from a poor country, so we use TurboC++ to code at school, it's really dumb, but yeah, can't do anything about it.
At school, we do exercises with numbers and arrays, for example, the program reads numbers until meeting 13, show the even and uneven ones, show the average, show the negative/positive ones. Or the program reads numbers until n, show the sum of the middle numbers, like 12345, show the sum of 3 and 4. Or the minimum and maximum value of something.
Can anyone recommend me what to do to properly learn C++ and do these exercises? I'll have a lot of C++ exams in the future and I wanna do well, also I need this knowledge of C++ for later use.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the spelling mistakes and sorry if it already has been answered or I posted in the wrong place!