I need to modify the following program to store person objects instead of integers. Include a function to input person data from the keyboard in the person class (similar to the readRecord() function). Also add a non class function to display the list contents.

Include a separate search function (search on the name of the person) which returns the position in the list of the item if found

Setup a menu to access the different functions such as:
1 Build a list
2 Search list
3 Add to list
4 Delete from list
5 Display list

This is the code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Linked list using structures
struct nodeType {
    int info;
    nodeType *link;
nodeType* buildListForward()
  nodeType *first,*newNode, *last;
  int num;
  cout<<"enter numbers";
  cin >>num;
    newNode = new nodeType;     // create new Node
    newNode->info =num;
    newNode->link = NULL;
    if(first==NULL)             // special case empty list
    first = newNode;
    last= newNode;
      last->link = newNode;
      last = newNode;
   return first;
nodeType* buildListBackward()
  nodeType *first,*newNode;
  int num;
  cout<<"enter numbers";
  cin >>num;
    newNode = new nodeType;     // creat new node
    newNode->info =num;
    newNode->link = first;

    first = newNode;            // keep adding at beginning

   return first;
nodeType* deleteNode(nodeType *head,int delItem)
  nodeType *current,*prev;
  bool found=false;
  current = head;
  prev = head;
  while(current!=NULL && !found) {          // search loop
    if(current->info==delItem) found = true;
    else {
          prev = current;
          current = current->link;
  if(found) {
    if (current==head) head = current->link;// special case delete head
     prev->link = current->link;
    delete current;
  return head;
nodeType* insert(nodeType *head, int item)
  nodeType *current,*prev,*newNode;
  bool found=false;
  newNode = new nodeType;
  newNode->info = item;
  newNode->link = NULL;
  current = head;
  prev = head;
  while(current!=NULL && current->info<item) {  // search loop

          prev = current;
          current = current->link;


    if (current==head) {            // special case add at head
        newNode->link = current;
        head = newNode;
    else {
     prev->link = newNode;
     newNode->link = current;

  return head;
int main() {
    nodeType *head, *current;

    return 0;

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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