I am trying to store the permutations generated by the recursive permutation function so that I can use them in main; however, I cannot figure how to get them to store correctly. I.E. when I run this function with a string AB, inside the recursive AB and BA gets printed but in main AB and AB again get printed.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
void ListPermutations(char str[]);
void RecursivePermute(char str[], int k);
void ExchangeCharacters(char str[], int i, int j);
char** numPerms;
int ii = 0;
int main() {
int i = 0;
numPerms = calloc(sizeof(char *), (2));
for(i=0; i<2;i++)
numPerms[i] = calloc(sizeof(char), 2);
char word[20];
// Let the user enter a word to permute.
printf("Please enter a word you would like to permute.\n");
scanf("%s", word);
// Print out the permutations.
printf("This should be the same as above but it is not\n");
return 0;
// Pre-condition: str is a valid C String.
// Post-condition: All permutations of str (assuming all distinct
// characters) will be printed.
void ListPermutations(char str[]) {
// Call the appropriate recursive function with the correct
// parameters.
RecursivePermute(str, 0);
// Pre-condition: str is a valid C String, and k is non-negative and
// less than or equal to the length of str.
// Post-condition: All of the permutations of str with the first k
// characters fixed in their original positions are
// printed. Namely, if n is the length of str, then
// (n-k)! permutations are printed.
void RecursivePermute(char str[], int k) {
int j;
// Base-case: Since all letters are fixed, we can ONLY print
// what's stored in str.
if (k == strlen(str)){
printf("%s\n", str);
numPerms[ii] = str;
else {
// Loop through each possible starting letter for index k,
// the first index for which we have a choice.
for (j=k; j<strlen(str); j++) {
// Place the character stored in index j in location k.
ExchangeCharacters(str, k, j);
// Print out all of the permutations with that character
// just chosen above fixed.
RecursivePermute(str, k+1);
// Put the original character that used to be there back
// in its place.
ExchangeCharacters(str, j, k);
// Pre-condition: str is a valid C String and i and j are valid indexes
// to that string.
// Post-condition: The characters at index i and j will be swapped in
// str.
void ExchangeCharacters(char str[], int i, int j) {
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[j];
str[j] = temp;