// The Physics Game.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//Rodney Jenkins

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

double eqOne_vf(double Vi ,  double  a , double  t) {
return  ( Vi + (a * t) );
double eqTwo_x(double Vf ,  double  Vi , double  t) {
   return (0.5 * ((Vf - Vi) * t));

double eqThree_x(double Vi, double t, double a){
return Vi * t + 0.5 * a * t * t;

double eqFour_vfsQ(double Vi, double x, double a){
return (Vi * Vi) + (2 * (a * x));
double eqFive_x(double Vi, double t){
return Vi * t + .5 * t * t;
double eqSix_Rf(double m, double d){ 
return (m * 9.8) * sin(d) ;
double eqSeven_w(double f, double fr, double x){
return (f - fr) * x;
double eqEight_Ke(double m, double V){
return .5 * m * V * V;
double eqNine_W(double f, double x){
return f * x;
double eqTen_PE(double m, double h){
return m * 9.8 * h;
double eqEleven_w(double kef, double kei){
return kef - kei;
double eqTwelve_kei_PEi(double kei, double PEi){
return kei + PEi;
double eqThirteen_P(double m, double v){
return m * v;
double eqFourteen_I(double f, double t){
return f * t;
double eqFifteen_p( double mf, double mi){
return mf - mi;
double eqSixteen_a( double Vf, double Vi, double t){
return (Vf - Vi) / t;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
 int choice;
     cout<<"Which equation would you like to use\n";
     cout<<"1 -  Vi + (a * t) \n";
     cout<<"2 -  0.5 * (Vf - Vi) * t \n";
     cout<<"3 -  Vi * t + .5 * a * t * t \n";
     cout<<"4 - ( Vi * Vi) + 2 * (a * x)\n";
     cout<<"5 - Vi * t + .5 * t * t\n";
     cout<<"6 - w = (m * 9.8) * sin d\n";
     cout<<"7 - (f - fr) * x \n";
     cout<<"8 - .5 * m * V^2\n";
     cout<<"9 - f * x\n";
     cout<<"10 - m * 9.8 * h\n";
     cout<<"11 - kef - kei\n";    
     cout<<"12 - Kei + PEi\n";
     cout<<"13 - m * v\n";
     cout<<"14 - f * t\n";
     cout<<"15 - mf - mi\n";  
     cout<<"16 - Vf - Vi / t\n";
     cout<<"Choice: ";
     cin>> choice;

 srand(time(0));  // Initialize random number generator.
 int randomNumber = rand();
 double answer = 0;

switch (choice)
 case 1:
 double Vi = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
 double a  = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
 double t  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

  cout << " The initial velocity is "<< Vi << " Meters  Per second\n";
  cout << " The acceleration is "    <<  a << " Meters Per Second^2.\n";
  cout << " The time is "            <<  t << " seconds\n";

  cout<<" What is the final Velocity\n";
  cin>> answer;

if ( answer == eqOne_vf(Vi ,a , t)){
  cout << "That's correct\n";
} else {
  cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqOne_vf(Vi ,a , t);

case 2:
    double Vf = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
    double Vi = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
    double t  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

  cout << " The final velocity is "  << Vf << " Meters Per Second \n";
  cout << " The initial velocity is "<< Vi << " Meters Per Second \n";
  cout << " The time is "            << t << " seconds \n";

  cout << " What is the displacement ?";
  cin >> answer;

if ( answer == eqTwo_x(Vf ,Vi , t)){
  cout << "That's correct\n";
} else {
  cout << "That's incorrect the answer is " << eqTwo_x(Vf ,Vi , t);

case 3:
 double Vi = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
 double t  = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
 double a  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

  cout << " The inital velocity is "<< Vi << "Meters Per second\n";
  cout << " The time is "<< t << "seconds\n";
  cout << " The acceleration is "<<a << "Meters Per Second^2.\n";

  cout<<" What is the displacement ?";
  cin>> answer;

if ( answer == eqThree_x(Vi ,t , a)){
   cout << "That's correct\n";
} else {
   cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqThree_x(Vi ,t , a);

case 4:
 double Vi = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
 double x  = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
 double a  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

    cout << " The inital velocity is "<< Vi << "Meters per Second\n";
    cout << " The acceleration is "<< a << "Metes Per second^2\n";
    cout << " The displacement is "<< x << "Meters\n";
    cout<<" What is the final velocity^2\n";
    cin>> answer;

    if ( answer == eqFour_vfsQ(Vi ,x , a)){
    cout << "That's correct\n";
} else {
    cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqFour_vfsQ(Vi ,a , x);

case 5:
      double Vi = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
      double t  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

     cout << " The inital velocity is "<< Vi << "Meters per Second\n";
     cout << " The time is "<< t << " seconds \n";

     cout<<"What is the displacement ?";
     cin>> answer;

     if ( answer == eqFive_x(Vi ,t)){
     cout << "That's correct\n";
} else {
     cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqFive_x(Vi ,t);

case 6:
     double m = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
     double d = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

     cout<<"The weight of the object is "<< m <<" kg \n";
     cout<<"The incline is "<< d <<" degrees\n";
     cout<<"What is the resulting force?";
     cin>> answer;

    if ( answer == eqSix_Rf(m ,d)){
     cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
     cout << "That's incorrect the answer is  "<< eqSix_Rf(m,d) <<" N \n";
case 7:
     double f  = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
     double fr = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
     double x  = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

     cout<<"The force of the object is "<< f <<" N \n";
     cout<<"The friction is "<< fr <<" N \n";
     cout <<"The displacement is "<< x << "Meters\n";
     cout<<"What was the amount of work done?";
     cin>> answer;

     if ( answer == eqSeven_w(f ,fr, x)){
     cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
     cout << "That's incorrect the answer is  "<< eqSeven_w(f, fr, x) <<" J \n";


case 8:

     double m  = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
     double V = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

     cout<<"The mass of the object is "<< m <<" kg \n";
     cout<<"The velocity of the object is "<< V <<" Meters Per Seconds \n";
     cout<<"What is the kinetic energy?";
     cin>> answer;

     if ( answer == eqEight_Ke(m ,V )){
     cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
     cout << "That's incorrect the answer is  "<< eqEight_Ke(m, V) <<" KE \n";

case 9:
     double f  = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
     double x = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

     cout << " The displacement is "<< x << "Meters\n";
     cout<<"The force of the object is "<< f <<"N \n";
     cout<<"What is the work?";
     cin>> answer;

     if ( answer == eqNine_W(f ,x )){
     cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
     cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqNine_W(f ,x ) <<" J\n";

case 10:
      double m  = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
      double h = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

      cout<<"The mass of the object is "<< m <<" kg \n";
      cout<<"The height of the object is "<< h <<" Meters\n";
      cout<<"What is the potential Energy?";
      cin>> answer;

      if ( answer == eqTen_PE(m ,h )){
      cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
      cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqTen_PE(m ,h ) <<" PE\n";

case 11:
      double kef = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
      double kei = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;

       cout<<"The kinetic energy final is"<< kef <<"\n";
       cout<<"The kinetic energy initial is"<< kei <<"\n";
       cout<<"What is the work done?";
       cin>> answer;

       if ( answer == eqEleven_w(kef ,kei )){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqEleven_w(kef ,kei ) <<" J\n";

case 12:
        double kei = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
        double PEi = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;

        cout<<"The kinect energy initial is "<< kei <<"\n";
        cout<<"The potential energy initial is "<< PEi <<"\n";
        cout<<"What is the kinetic energy final + potential Energy final?";
        cin>> answer;

        if ( answer == eqTwelve_kei_PEi(kei ,PEi )){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<<eqTwelve_kei_PEi(kei ,PEi ) <<" \n";

case 13:
        double m = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
        double v = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;

        cout<<"The mass of the object is "<< m <<" kg \n";
        cout<<"The velocity is "<< v <<" Meters Per Seconds^2 \n";
        cout<<"What is the momentum?";
        cin>> answer;

       if ( answer == eqThirteen_P(m ,v )){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqThirteen_P(m ,v ) <<" \n";

case 14:
        double f  = (randomNumber % 100) + 2;
        double t  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

        cout<<"The force of the object is "<< f <<" N \n";
        cout<<"The time is "<< t << " seconds \n";
        cout<<"What is the impulse?";
        cin>> answer;

        if ( answer == eqFourteen_I(f ,t )){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqFourteen_I(f ,t ) <<" \n";


case 15:
        double mf  = (randomNumber % 1000) + 2;
        double mi  = (randomNumber % 1000) + 1; 

       cout<<"The Momentum final is"<< mf <<"\n";
       cout<<"The Momentum initial is"<< mi <<"\n";
       cout<<"What is the change in momentum?";
       cin>> answer;

       if ( answer == eqFifteen_p(mi ,mf )){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqFifteen_p(mi ,mf) <<" \n";


case 16:
      double Vf = (randomNumber % 100) + 1;
      double Vi = (randomNumber % 75) + 1;
      double t  = (randomNumber % 60) + 1;

      cout << " The final velocity is "  << Vf << " Meters Per Second \n";
      cout << " The initial velocity is "<< Vi << " Meters Per Second \n";
      cout << " The time is "            << t << " seconds \n";
      cout << " What is the acceleration?";
      cin >> answer;

      if ( answer == eqSixteen_a(Vf ,Vi ,t)){
        cout << "That's correct\n";
        } else {
        cout << "That's incorrect the answer is "<< eqSixteen_a(Vf ,Vi ,t) <<" \n";

        cout<< choice <<" is an invalid choice choose again.\n";

} while (choice != 0);



Can you please tell us what you need help with? Aside from indent style issues, I mean.

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