I wanted to write a simple program that uses classes but I've been running into errors. Anyone have a clue as to what is wrong with my code because I can't seem to figure it out.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;

    class cone{
                double radius;
                double height;

          void setvolume();//
          double conevol();

    void cone(){
              double radius;
              double height;

    void setvolume(double r,double h){
                      double radius=r;
                      double height=h;

    double conevol(double r,double h){
           double vol=(1/3.0)*(3.14159265)*r*r*h;
           return vol;

    int main(){
        cone A;
        cout<<"The current volume of the cone is: "<<A.convol<<endl;
        cout<<"The volume of the cone is now"<<A.conevol()<<endl;    
        return 0;

You need the class name before the method in the implementation. IE,

class cone
                double radius;
                double height;
          void setvolume(double r, double h);
          double conevol();
    void cone::cone() : radius(0.0), height(0.0)
    void cone::setvolume(double r,double h)
    double cone::conevol()
           double vol=(1/3.0)*(3.14159265)*radius*radius*height;
           return vol;

Note that I fixed a few other issues as well... :-)

Note that I fixed a few other issues as well... :-)

Oh really? Now Valgrind can't catch uninitialized value errors when somebody forgets to initialize the object with setvolume.

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