1. how does one link a 2 radiobuttons in c# 2010 to the same column in ms sql 2005
2. what could be the problem when one tries to enter data from texboxes in c# 2010 to ms sql 2005 but its not reflecting?
3. what is the syntax required to delete data from c# 2010 and for it 2 reflect 2 ms sql 2005

1) If the two radio buttons are for different options I would suggest you don't. The only time two radio buttons would match to the same column in the database is when they are Yes/No, On/Off types of combinations. To be honest, this question is really no different from 'how do I insert or update to MS SQL?' because that is all you are doing.

2) Not reflecting? what do you mean by that?

what i mean by reflecting is, once i enter data into the texboxes the same data is not entering into the database ms sql

can you post your query for us to look at please ?

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