i made the form of search of my project as in screen shot in vb.net the problem is that it shows the record many time of one person i put the sql query this
qury = "SELECT p.per_id AS 'Person ID', " & _ "p.per_name AS 'Name', " & _
"p.f_name AS 'Father Name'," & _
"p.per_address AS 'Address', " & _
"p.per_cell AS 'Cell No', " & _
"p.per_cnic AS 'CNIC #', " & _
"c.chak_name As 'Chak', " & _
"r.rev_name As 'Circle', " & _
"t.teh_name As 'Tehsil' " & _
"FROM RRDBMS.dbo.person_info p, RRDBMS.dbo.chak c , RRDBMS.dbo.rev_circle r, RRDBMS.dbo.tehsil t " & _
"WHERE " & _
"p.chak_id = c.chak_id And " & _
"c.rev_id = r.rev_id And " & _
"r.teh_id = t.teh_id And " & _
"p.per_address LIKE '" & address & "'OR " & _
"p.f_name LIKE '" & fname & "' OR " & _
"p.per_name LIKE '" & name & "' OR " & _
"p.per_cnic LIKE '" & cnic & "'OR " & _
"p.per_cell LIKE '" & cell & "' OR " & _
"p.per_id LIKE '" & id & "' "
please help to solve my problem i
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