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Hello guys ! Hope you're doing well.
I have faced a problem in declaring linked lists inside a linked list.
I made a picture because it speaks more than 1000 words

Here's my structure declaration:

typedef struct author *link;
struct author
       char name[20];
       link next;
       link down;
typedef link LIST;
typedef link pos_author;

typedef struct book *ptr;
struct book
       char tittle[20];
       int year;
       int page;
       ptr down;
typedef ptr pos_book;

But, the program won't compile because it generates an error in insert-function.
cannot convert author*' tobook' in assignment
cannot convert book*' toauthor
' in assignment

Here is the Inserting Function:

void insert(LIST L)
     char ch;
        printf("Author:   ");

        pos_author tmp=(pos_author)malloc(sizeof(struct author);

        printf("Book: ");
        pos_book temp=(pos_book)malloc(sizeof(struct book));
        scanf("%s %d %d",temp->tittle,&temp->year,&temp->page);

        temp->down=tmp->down; // EROOR
        tmp->down=temp;           //ERROR

        printf("\nAnother Book: [Y/N]  ");


        printf("Another Author: [Y/N]  ");

Looking forward to get an answer from you. Thanx in advance.

In the declaration of struct author, you define down as type link, which is a typedef for struct author*. What you actually want is for it to be a ptr (that is, struct book*). Thus, you'll want to move the typedef of type ptr up to before the definition of struct author, and change link down; to ptr down;.

typedef struct author *link;
typedef struct book *ptr;

struct author
       char name[20];
       link next;
       ptr down;
typedef link LIST;
typedef link pos_author;

struct book
       char title[20];
       int year;
       int page;
       ptr down;
typedef ptr pos_book;

Oh, and you misspelled 'title', BTW. HTH.

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Thank you mate for your help:D

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