Does anyone know tutorials for link list to be able
insert,delete,cout list,give id and time

void list_insert( UINT time, UINT id, UINT event)


void list_head_delete() 


UINT list_head_event()
    work_ptr = list_head;
    if(work_ptr == NULL)
        return 0;

        printf("Should print the list head \n");
        return list_head->event;


UINT list_head_id()

UINT list_head_time() 

Im so lost

Is this list head event right ?

I figured it out

Does anyone know tutorials for link list to be able insert,delete,cout list,give id and time

ID and time look to be node values, which are trivial to retrieve once you have a node reference. Since you asked for a tutorial, I'll give you a tutorial. :)

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