I am trying to make a program where when I click an arrow key, the object moves constantly until I click another arrow key; or, when my object reaches a wall and crashes. For my code, I have made arrow key movements, I have assigned them in the program, and I have an object that moves. I have tried a do-while loop, however that does not work. I tried to put the do-while after my movement = _getch(), but that keeps moving until either x = 20 or y = 30. I cannot click another arrow for the object to change it's course of direction while the object is moving. Can anyone please help me out??? This is the code I have created so far. Thank You all for taking your time in looking at my code.
_ Zvjezdan
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
void delay(long seconds)
clock_t time1 = clock(); // use clock time
clock_t time2 = time1 + seconds;
while(time1 < time2)
time1 = clock();
int gotoxy(int x, int y) // used to make window
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD point;
point.X = x-1;
point.Y = y-1;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, point);
return SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, point);
void object_() { cout << "-" << endl; }
#define UP_ARROW 72
#define LEFT_ARROW 75
#define DOWN_ARROW 80
#define RIGHT_ARROW 77
struct Player
char letter1, letter2, letter3, letter4;
char up_arrow, down_arrow, left_arrow, right_arrow, answer1;
int main()
Player first_player;
cout << "Do you want to use Letters[L/l] for movement or arrows[A/a] for movement? ";
first_player.answer1 = _getch();
cout << endl;
if(first_player.answer1 == 'L' || first_player.answer1 == 'l')
cout << "What is your up movement? ";
first_player.letter1 = _getch(); cout << first_player.letter1 << endl;
cout << "What is your down movement? ";
first_player.letter2 = _getch(); cout << first_player.letter2 << endl;
cout << "What is your left movement? ";
first_player.letter3 = _getch(); cout << first_player.letter3 << endl;
cout << "What is your right movement? ";
first_player.letter4 = _getch(); cout << first_player.letter4 << endl;
else if(first_player.answer1 == 'A' || first_player.answer1 == 'a')
cout << "Press the up arrow: ";
first_player.up_arrow = _getch();
first_player.up_arrow = _getch();
if(first_player.up_arrow == UP_ARROW)
first_player.up_arrow = UP_ARROW;
cout << first_player.up_arrow << endl;
cout << "Press the down arrow: ";
first_player.down_arrow = _getch();
first_player.down_arrow = _getch();
if(first_player.down_arrow == DOWN_ARROW)
first_player.down_arrow = DOWN_ARROW;
cout << first_player.down_arrow << endl;
cout << "Press the left arrow: ";
first_player.left_arrow = _getch();
first_player.left_arrow = _getch();
if(first_player.left_arrow == LEFT_ARROW)
first_player.left_arrow = LEFT_ARROW;
cout << first_player.left_arrow << endl;
cout << "Press the right arrow: ";
first_player.right_arrow = _getch();
first_player.right_arrow = _getch();
if(first_player.right_arrow == RIGHT_ARROW)
first_player.right_arrow = RIGHT_ARROW;
cout << first_player.right_arrow << endl;
system("mode 100,50");
char movement;
int x = 1, y = 1;
if(first_player.answer1 == 'l' || first_player.answer1 == 'L')
gotoxy(x,y); object_();
move_object: gotoxy(3,35); cout << "Where do you want to move? ";
movement = _getch();
cout << endl;
// movement for letters
do {
if(movement == first_player.letter1)
y -= 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( y == 0 || y == 30) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.letter2)
y += 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( y == 0 || y == 30) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.letter3)
x -= 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( x == 0 || x == 20) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.letter4)
x += 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( x == 0 || x == 20) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
} while (x != 0 || x != 20 || y != 0 || y != 30);
else if(first_player.answer1 == 'a' || first_player.answer1 == 'A')
gotoxy(x,y); object_();
move_object_with_arrow: gotoxy(3,35); cout << "Where do you want to move? ";
movement = _getch();
cout << endl;
// movement for arrows
do {
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.up_arrow)
y -= 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( y == 0 || y == 30) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.down_arrow)
y += 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( y == 0 || y == 30) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.left_arrow || movement == first_player.letter3)
x -= 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( x == 0 || x == 20) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
if(movement == first_player.right_arrow || movement == first_player.letter4)
x += 1;
gotoxy(x, y); object_();
if( x == 0 || x == 20) { goto end_of_program; }
movement = _getch();
} while (x != 0 || x != 20 || y != 0 || y != 30);
end_of_program: gotoxy(3,43); system("pause");
return 0;