I am new to python. How to instantiate object from parsing a file?

I got a error.
File "/home/Bunny.py", line 23, in main
mapgrid[i].append(Spot(myLine[j] == 'B'))
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

The first line of input is the number of simulations.
The next line isthe number of minutes for
a single reproductive cycle.The next line is the number of rows(x), followed by a single space, and followed by number of columns (y).
The next group of y lines will have x number of characters, with a single period ('.') representing a blank space and a single capitol “A” representing a starting Bunny.

Thanks for your help.


2 # 2 simulations
5 # 5 minutes/cycle
3 3 # 3*3 map
3 3

My code

#!/usr/bin/env python

class Spot(object):
    isBunny = bool()
    nextCycle = 0
    UP = 0
    RIGHT = 1
    DOWN = 2
    LEFT = 3
    SLEEP = 4

    def __init__(self, newIsBunny):
        self.isBunny = newIsBunny
        self.nextCycle = self.UP

    def setNextCycle(self):
        if (self.nextCycle != self.SLEEP):
            self.nextCycle += 1

    def getNextCycle(self):
        return self.nextCycle

    def getIsBunny(self):
        return self.isBunny

    def makeBunny(self):
        if not self.isBunny:
            self.nextCycle = self.UP
        self.isBunny = True


#!/usr/bin/env python
import Spot
import os
class Bunny(object):

    def main(cls, args):
       with open(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/input.txt')) as f: 
        numSims = int(f.readline()) 
        mapgrid = []  
        print numSims
        minPerCycle= int(f.readline()) 
        print minPerCycle
        for k in xrange(numSims): 
            xyLine= f.readline()
            row = int(xyLine.split()[0]) 
            col = int(xyLine.split()[1])  
            print row,col
            for i in xrange(row): 
                myLine = f.readline() 
                for j in xrange(col): 
                    mapgrid[i].append(Spot(myLine[j] == 'B')) 
         # store this map somewhere? 
            numCycles = 1
            if cls.isFilled():
                numCycles = 0
            while not cls.isFilled():
                numCycles += 1
                ## for-while
                j = 0
                while j < cls.myMap.length:
                    ## for-while
                    k = 0
                    while k < cls.myMap[j].length:
                        if cls.myMap[j][k].getIsBunny():
                            if cls.myMap[j][k].getNextCycle() == 0:
                                cls.myMap[j - 1][k].makeBunny()
                            elif cls.myMap[j][k].getNextCycle() == 1:
                                cls.myMap[j][k + 1].makeBunny()
                            elif cls.myMap[j][k].getNextCycle() == 2:
                                cls.myMap[j + 1][k].makeBunny()
                            elif cls.myMap[j][k].getNextCycle() == 3:
                                cls.myMap[j][k - 1].makeBunny()
                        k += 1
                    j += 1
            time = numCycles * minPerCycle
            print "It took " + time + " minutes for the bunnies to take over the world!\n"
            i += 1

    def isFilled(cls):
        cls.isFilled = True
        ## for-while
        i = 0
        while i < cls.myMap.length:
            ## for-while
            j = 0
            while j < cls.myMap[i].length:
                if not cls.myMap[i][j].getIsBunny():
                    cls.isFilled = False
                j += 1
            i += 1
        return cls.isFilled

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

Spot.Spot(myLine[j] == 'B')
from Spot import Spot

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